Monday 30 September 2019

Top 25 posts of all time / 5th anniversary

To celebrate our 5th anniversary of blogging, we present a rough compilation of the 25 most visited posts. It is difficult for a blog to get noticed on the busy internet highways, and so we are grateful for the somewhat greater than average attention these posts have gotten, for reasons that are often due to chance, or at least not easy to understand. The main factor, is due to a topic choice that finds a certain response, and it is often due to the kind efforts of people who have shared these posts on their networks, of which we are thankful. Our astrology posts especially have benefited from this and, if included on this list, would account for about a dozen of the top spots. Some posts have even carved a hard-earned prime position on various search engines, which is more than could be hoped for such a modest enterprise. Many thanks for all the people who have visited our humble blog, we hope our posts have been useful to you. We hope to continue to offer diverse and quality posts of a theosophical nature on a weekly basis.


1-Blavatsky on Sufism / Sufi Wisdom

2-Theosophy basics: Blavatsky on the number seven

3-Plato's Four Arguments for the Immortality of the Soul from the Phaedo part 1


4-Theosophy Basics: Gupta Vidya, Atma Vidya, Brahma Vidya

5-Blavatsky's translation of Leo Tolstoy's The Imp and the Crust (1889)


6-Through the Gates of Gold, Chapter 1, The Search for Pleasure, part 7


7-The Secret Doctrine - The Introduction Section

8-10 Theosophical books that changed the 20th Century


9-The Mahabharata and the Iliad compared - a symbolic interpretation

10-Introduction to Gnosticism: The Pistis Sophia, part 1 (Blavatsky)


11-The Kabbalah on Reincarnation 1/5


12-The 8 Confucian Virtues


13-The 12 Most Important Ethical-Moral Philosophy Writings of All-Time


14-Jean-Marie Ragon on Universal Masonry and Brother/Sisterhood


15-Blavatsky on Astrology 2: Capricorn 

16-12 Theosophical Books that Changed the World


17-The spiritual meaning of St-John's Day / Midsummer Day / the Summer Solstice 


18-Book Review: Masters of Wisdom: The Mahatmas, Their Letters, and the Path - Edward Abdill 


19-The Golden Rule in 20 World Religions


20-Persian-Iranian Wisdom - The Javidan Khirad


21-The Spiritual Meaning of Easter 1


22-The Mahatma Letters on Compassion


23-Blavatsky Interview - Paris, 1884

24-Blavatsky on the Tao and Taoism


25-Gauri Viswanathan on the Mahatma Letters

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