Sunday, 27 December 2015

The Mahatma Letters on Compassion

Who are these mysterious Mahatmas, Adepts, Brothers, Sisters...Much creative speculation has been written on them and they have many imitators - why not read the original texts? One thing that can be said, is that compassion seems to be a primary concern (thanks to Katherine Beechey):

You cannot truly be students of the Divine Wisdom, save as you are active in the service  of the Divine Life. Where trouble is, where suffering is, where ignorance is, where quarrel is, where oppression, where cruelty is-there must we find the earnest members of Our society.

For it is “humanity” which is the great Orphan, the only disinherited one upon this earth, my friend. And it is the duty of every man who is capable of an unselfish impulse to do something, whoever little, for its welfare. KH (Letters of the Masters of the Wisdom, Series I, p.74)
A man who places not the good of mankind above his own good is not worthy of becoming our chela, -he is not worthy of becoming higher in knowledge than his neighbor. M (Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett, p. 252)
Send forth Atma’s most divine emanations, proceeding of that God-like sentiment-the love of mortal man for its fellow creature in its higher spiritual expression, and concentrating them…find… the means of benefiting humanity by the practical application of the Sephiroths of Love, Mercy, Justice, Divine Charity and boundless Self-abnegation. S. (Letters of the Masters of the Wisdom, Series 2, p.40)
For, though no one ought to be expecting thanks, for doing his duty by humanity and the cause of truth-since, after all, he who labours for others, labours but for himself-nevertheless, my Brother, I feel deeply grateful to you for what you have done. KH  (Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett, p. 239)
To all, whether Chohan or chela, who are obligated workers among us the first and last consideration is whether we can do good to our neighbour, no matter how humble he may be; and we do not permit ourselves to even think of the danger of any contumely, abuse or injustice visited upon ourselves. We are ready to be "spat upon and crucified" daily — not once — if real good to another can come of it. KH (Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett, p. 395)
He who is desirous to learn how to benefit humanity, and believes himself able to read the character of other people, must begin first of all, to learn to know himself, to appreciate his own character at its true value. M (Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett, p. 222)
Woman’s mission is to become the mother of future occultists-one of those who will be born without sin. On the elevation of woman the world’s redemption and salvation hinge. And not till woman bursts the bonds of her sexual slavery to which she has ever been subjected will the world obtain an inkling of what she really is and of her proper place in the economy of nature. (Eminent Occultist, Comm. On E. Levi’s Paradoxes)
If he (H.S.O) is “ignorant of many things, so are his accusers, and because he remains still uninitiated the reason… is very plain: to this day he has preferred the good  of the many to his own personal benefit. Having given up the advantages derived from steady, serious chelaship by those who devote themselves to it, for his work for other people-these are those who now turn against him. M (Letters of the Masters of the Wisdom, Series 2, p.63)
The greatest consolation in and the foremost duty of life, child, is not to give pain, and avoid causing suffering to man or beast. KH (Letters of the Masters of the Wisdom, Series 1, p.153)
Our Society is not a mere intellectual school for occultism, and those greater than we have said that he who thinks the task of working for others too hard had better not undertake it. The moral and spiritual sufferings of the world are more important, and need help and cure more than science needs aid from us in any field of discovery. KH (Letters of the Masters of the Wisdom, Series 1, p.77)
Are you ready to do your part in the great work of philanthropy? You have offered yourself for the Red Cross; but, Sister, there are sicknesses and wounds of the Soul that no Surgeon’s heart can cure. Shall you help us teach mankind that the soul-sick must heal themselves? M (Letters of the Masters of the Wisdom, Series 2, p.129)
Let every Theosophist only do his duty, that which he can and ought to do, and very soon the sum of human misery, within and around the areas of every Branch of your Society, will be found visibly diminished. (Lucifer January 1888 edition, pp. 344)

image thanks to
a review of the Truth and Reconciliation report


  1. This is fabulous !! A great bodhisattva service to a world much in need of the wisdom you have here shared. Om Mani Padme Hum = May the jewel of wisdom blossom in the lotus of the heart so that all may see that we are all each other. Om Shanti.
