Friday 7 January 2022

Top 16 posts for 2021

Here are the stats for the previous year (minus the astrology posts)- the reader's have spoken - for which we thank you. It's always interesting to see what were the most popular topics and it's nice to see that a diverse range of topics and theosophical authors made the list. Moreover, as there was a limited amount of themes, with multiple posts, it's nice to see that all the themes are represented on the list.

2021 was a challenging year, where the consequences of the end of a 20-yearJupiter-Saturn cycle were felt quite powerfully, with several convulsions in the socio-political sphere. Many theosophical groups adapted to the limited contact possibilities caused by the Covid pandemic by presenting an interesting and varied menu of on-line activities, which favoured a greater interaction between people of all walks of life. For this blog, 2021 was a kind of back to basics year, with a lot of topics dealing with the basic literature and classic authors. Moreover, there were some stern, serious posts dealing with the need for discrimination in the spiritual life, which were well-received.

For 2022, as we embark upon the second year of the new Jupiter-Saturn cycle, we will be giving some indications on how we propose to strategize our perspective for this new cycle. We feel that the idea of universal brother/sisterhood has become especially relevant in today's context as the pandemic highlights the reality of our inter-connectedness and the need for cooperation and solidarity; so we will continue with posts on that topic, once again. All the best for 2022.

1- Jacob Boehme on the love of Sophia (Wisdom) 1

2- Back to Basics - FAQ

3- Isis Unveiled, Vol. 1 Table of Contents, Blavatsky

4- Henry Olcott - Asceticism

5- The Symbolic, Mystical, Esoteric Meaning of the Resurrection, Part 1/2

6- Isis Unveiled, Vol. 2 Table of Contents, Blavatsky

7- Blavatsky on esoteric aspects of the family

8- Logical Fallacies

9- The Dangers of Occultism 1 - Franz Hartmann

10- Psychology: 17 Defense Mechanisms

11- Isis Unveiled, Vol. 1 Overview, Blavatsky

12- Bhagavad Gita Summary - Book 3 - Karma Yoga

13- The 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso on Universal Brother/Sisterhood 1

14- Franz Hartmann 1- To Know (Know, Dare, Will, Keep Silent - Occultist Motto, Kabalist Axiom)

15- Secret Doctrine I study notes, Stanzas of Dzyan, First Stanza

16- Astral Intoxication - William Q. Judge

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