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The Trikāya Buddha, Shanyuan Temple, Liaoning Province, China. |
Trikaya (Tib. Skugsum) . lit. 3 bodies, or threefold embodiment.
(1.) Three representations of Buddha, viz. his statue, his teachings,
and his stupa (q. v.) (2.) The historical Buddha, as uniting
in himself 3 bodily qualities, see Dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya and
Nirmanakaya. (3.) Buddha, as having passed through, and still
existing in, 3 forms or persons, viz. (a) as " Sakyamuni (or
earthly Buddha, endowed with the Nirmanakdya which passed through
100,000 kotis of transformations " (on earth) ; (b.) as "
Lochana (or heavenly Dhyani Bodhisattva, endowed with the) Sambhogakaya
of absolute completeness " (in Dhyana); (c.) as "Vairochana
(or Dhyani Buddha, endowed with the Dharmakaya of
absolute purity " (in Nirvana). In speaking of Buddha as
now combining the foregoing (historically arranged) persons
or forms of existence, the order here given is, of course,
reversed. As to how this doctrine arose, we can only
guess. Primitive Buddhism in China distinguished a
material, visible and perishable body (rupa kaya) and an immaterial,
invisible and immortal body, dharma kaya, as attributes of human
existence. This dichotomy— probably taught by Sakyamuni
himself—was even afterwards retained in characterizing the nature
of ordinary human beings. But in later ages, when the
combined influence of Shivaism, which ascribed to Shiva
a threefold body (Dharmakaya, Sarmbhogakaya and Nirmanakaya) and
Brahminism, with its Trimurti (of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) gave
rise to the Buddhist dogma of a Triratna (Buddha, Dharma and
Sahgha), trichotomism was taught with regard to the nature of all
Bodlhi being the characteristic of a Buddha, a
distinction was now made of " essential Bodhi " as the
attribute of the Dharmakaya, " reflected Bodhi '' as the attribute
of the Sambhogakaya, and " practical Bodhi" as
the attribute of the Nirmanakaya; and Buddha, combining in himself
these 3 conditions of existence, was said to be living, at the
same time, in 3 different spheres, viz. (1.) as " having
essentially entered Nirvana," being as such a Dhyani
Buddha, living in Arupadhatu in the Dharmakaya state of
essential Bodhi, (2.) as " living in reflex in Rupa dhatu "
and being, as such, in the intermediate degree of a Dhyani Bodhisattva
in the Sambhogakaya state of reflected Bodhi, and (3.) as
"living practically in Kamadhatu," in the elementary degree
of a Manuchi Buddha in the Nirmanakaya state of practical Bodhi.
In each of these 3 forms of existence, Buddha has a peculiar mode of
existence, viz., (1.) absolute purity as Dhyani Buddha, (2.)
absolute completeness as Dhyani Bodhisattva, and (3.) numberless
transformations as Manuchi Buddha. Likewise also Buddha's
influence has a different sphere in each of these 3 forms of existence,
viz., (1.) as Dhyani Buddha he rules in the "domain of the
spiritual " (4th Buddha kchetra), (2.) as Dhyani
Bodhisattva he rules in the "domain of success " (3rd Buddha
kchetra), and (3.) as "Manuchi Buddha he rules in the
domain of mixed qualities " (1st and 2nd Buddhakchetra).
There is clearly the idea of a unity in trinity underlying
these distinctions and thus the dogmas of the
Trailokya, Trikaya' and the Triratna (q. T.) are interlinked, as
the subjoined synoptic table shows in detail (Eitel,
Ernest J. Handbook of Buddhism, Hong
Kong, 1888).
The Trikaya
doctrine of Buddhism, i.e., the doctrine that the Buddha has three
"bodies," is notorious for its complexities. Attributed to the
Yogacara, but regarded as typical of the Mahayana in general, it is
customarily cited in books on Buddhism in terms of the triad dharma-kaya,
sambhoga-kaya (or sambhogika-kaya) and nirmana-kaya (or nairmanika-kaya).
Taking these in ascending order of abstraction, the nirmana-kaya, usually
translated "apparitional body," "phantom body,"
"transformation body," etc., is the physical manifestation of
Buddhahood, the ordinary perishable human form, as exemplified by the
"historical Buddha," Siddhartha Gautama. The sambhoga-kaya ("body
of bliss," "reward body," "enjoyment body," etc.)
is a more exalted and splendid manifestation of the enlightened
personality, still in the realm of form, but visible only to bodhisattvas,
those of advanced spiritual capabilities. By contrast, the dharma-kaya
("Dianna-body," "Body of Truth," "Cosmic
Body," "Absolute Body," etc.) is both formless and
imperishable, representing the identification of the Buddha with the truth
which he revealed, or with reality itself. As such the dharma-kaya is
often linked with various terms for reality, such as dharmata,
dharma-dhatu, and so on, and has even been regarded as a kind of
Buddhist absolute, or at least at one with it. In this light the dharma-kaya is
understood as the primal "source" or "ground" from
which the other two types of bodies emanate. While many scholars are
content to describe this in purely abstract terms, others impute personal
characteristics to it; and at least one writer has gone so far as to compare
it to the Christian idea of Godhead. (Harrison, Paul (1992). Is the Dharma-Kāya the Real
"Phantom Body" of the Buddha?. Journal of the International
Association of Buddhist Studies 15 (1), 44)
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