Sunday 22 September 2024

Astrology: Autumn Equinox, September 22, 2024- Part 2 - Chart

Closely following the full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17, we have an intense, high-energy fall equinox chart, that will take us through the final shift of Pluto from Capricorn to Aquarius and the two returning Jupiter-Saturn squares that could be quite turbulent as some easier planetary aspects fall into place in 2025.  
1-Pluto, Neptune, Uranus/Moon, Sun/Mercury kite
 A tight Sun opposite Neptune (Sept. 20) aspect brings escapism, dispersion and confusion, but it is framed by a strong kite formation, which brings very supportive tools to deal with it. Original, open, creative, spiritual impulses are accompanied with a tight Sun trine Pluto (Sept. 22) which helps with decisiveness and concentration.The Moon and Mercury give an added sense of cooperation, positive change and a harmony of feeling and intellect. Surprise new friendships can occur. This pattern can serve to give a strong personal preview of the Uranus, Neptune, Pluto 2025 to 2028 –  Magic Triangle (minor grand trine). According to Astrology King: 'This Magic Triangle should make us more open-minded, progressive, open to change and accepting of others. It will bring amazing discoveries, inventions and breakthroughs in science, technology, travel, communication and medicine.'
 2-Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury t-square 
This loose t-square gives the Jupiter square Saturn aspect a fairly close connection to the kite pattern.
With Jupiter forming a square to Saturn, circumstances present us with an opportunity for personal or professional growth, although the rewards may be delayed. We must restructure our lives or plans in accordance with rules, laws, limits, and the demands of reality. Ultimately, this process can lead to a stronger, more resilient version of ourselves or our projects. Mercury opposite Saturn (Sept. 18) brings pessimistic, uncommunicative tendencies. Mercury square Jupiter (Sept. 21) brings a tendency to overstate things. The Jupiter-Saturn square has two more upcoming exact stations: Dec 24 2024 and Jun 15 2025.
3- Venus square Pluto
Adding to the Sun opposite Neptune haze, this tight aspect (Sept. 22) makes passions run high, with feelings of jealousy and possessiveness. Manipulation and underhanded dealings can color relationships now, with power plays arising in relationships.
4-Mars trine Saturn
To the previously mentioned destabilizing elements, Mars trine Saturn brings a strong sense of determination and efficient action to further strengthen the strong focus of the positive kite aspects.
1-Pluto, Neptune, Uranus/Moon, Sun/Mercury kite
The tendency for escapism, dispersion, confusion with problems of misinformation is accompanied by strong opportunities to resolve such problems with clear thinking and original, creative solutions.
 2-Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury t-square 
The general flow of one's projects can receive some personal reality checks and setbacks, which can be discouraging.
3- Venus square Pluto
Further destabilization could occur with emotional drama and relationship intrigues.
4-Mars trine Saturn
One can also find a strong source of resilience and determination to resolve problems efficiently.
We could be in for an intense fall season, marked by a month-long volatile Mars-Pluto opposition. There are some intense aspects that can bring destabilizing and escapist tendencies, with some accompanying drama and relational power games. But the strong accompanying tools of clear thinking, strong focus, determined perseverance along with a good sense of cooperation, transformation and creativity makes this an ideal opportunity to clear away problems of confusion, ambiguity, and delusions that are impediments to the progress of one's projects.
Upcoming aspects
Oct 02 – Solar Eclipse at in Libra
Oct 26 –  Neptune sextile Pluto out of orb

Nov 03 –  Mars (Cancer) opposition Pluto (Capricorn) *

Nov 16 – Uranus sextile Neptune out of orb
Nov 19 –  Pluto in Aquarius
Nov 25 –  Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius
Dec 15 –  Mercury direct
Dec 24 – Jupiter square Saturn 2 of 3

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