Tuesday 20 August 2024

Astrology: Jupiter Square Saturn August 19 2024

Reaching the first square in the
Jupiter-Saturn cycle, there has been much upheaval in that period. At the same time, it is a period to lay down new foundations, build new structures, and embark on new enterprises.
As we enter the first of three  squares, a process which will last about a year, it can be considered a period of reflection and adjustment that marks the completion of the first quarter of the Jupiter-Saturn cycle, lasting about 4 1/2 years.
1- Enters Jul 23 2024 Is Exact Aug 19 2024  Leaves Sep 15 2024
2- Enters Nov 18 2024 Is Exact Dec 24 2024 Leaves Jan 23 2025
3- Enters May 5 2025 Is Exact Jun 15 2025 Leaves Jul 10 2025


According to Robert Hand, a Jupiter Square Saturn transit can bring:

'many adjustments in your life, separating yourself from persons or circumstances that are doing you no good. You will change many standards of behavior and morality that you realize are inappropriate and generally realign your conception of duty and responsibility more in accordance with reality. In the process you may experience a considerable amount of tension, and for a time you may be confused, not quite knowing whether to go backward or forward, to expand or cut back. (Planets in Transit, 295)

'With Jupiter forming a square to Saturn, circumstances present us with an opportunity for personal or professional growth, although the rewards may be delayed. We must restructure our lives or plans in accordance with rules, laws, limits, and the demands of reality. Ultimately, this process can lead to a stronger, more resilient version of ourselves or our projects.

This can be a time of temporary fluctuating finances, increased personal commitments, sudden obstacles to our goals, energy dips, or ups and downs with our faith/outlook. We might ask ourselves, “Why am I doing this?” What for?” or “What’s the point?” more frequently. There can be a sense that we’re not in the right place at the right time during this phase.

During this period, it is crucial to breathe new life into old plans rather than strike out with a new plan altogether. We may need to make sacrifices in one area of our lives to grow in another. It’s important not to overextend ourselves now and to avoid attempting easy fixes or shortcuts. The need to adjust our expectations is a natural part of the process, and with patience and perseverance, we can confidently navigate current obstacles and challenges.'


'Jupiter square Saturn transit creates inner tension as you face a lack of opportunities, criticism or limiting circumstances. Your judgment may be impaired, you may experience a lack of initiative or become a slave to routine. Structures or long-held beliefs may break down, leaving you uncertain and unsure about your future. Any area of your life that has gotten out of control or is creating this tension will be subject to the strong hand of Saturn.

You could experience financial hardship, so you must limit spending on luxury items or entertainment. A relationship on rocky grounds may lead to a separation or significant shakeup. Events may force you to reassess previously held strong beliefs. Destructive behavior patterns such as addiction may end during this period.

To use addiction to drugs, gambling, or porn as an example, the withdrawal phase indicated by this transit may be painful and require you to withdraw from society. It will be a struggle and leave a vacuum in your life. Once through this stage, there will be many opportunities to fill the void with activities that allow you to express your creative side and bring greater satisfaction to life.

The above example can apply to any difficulties you experience. As a long-term problem reaches a crisis point, there will be initial frustration and uncertainty. The next stage is a struggle where hard work and patience are required. The third stage is where all the hard work and determination pay off. Increased wealth, travel, and further education are all possibilities.
As you come through this challenging transit, you may take on a more responsible position or outlook, but at the same time, achieve inner contentment and happiness as positive change and personal growth are achieved. There will be recognition and even professional advancement in the long run.'


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