Wednesday 16 February 2022

Astrology: Jupiter sextile Uranus, February 17, 2022

Happy Accidents

With a full moon on the 16th (with a  Venus-Mars conjunction in Capricorn), a Jupiter-Uranus exact sextile on the 17th, Sun entering Pisces on the 18th and the US having a Pluto return on the 22nd it looks to be quite a shift in direction over the next few days.

In a previous post I wrote:’’Judging from the previous ones, the third and final Saturn-Uranus square (December 24, 2021) could bring some heavy difficulties, but it is also an opportunity to come to terms with the previous conflicts. It can be considered as a final reality check before this aspect gradually fades, embarking on a new, optimistic, constructive phase that the Jupiter-Saturn cycle brings.’’

The difficulties did arrive, with a highly contagious Omicron Covid wave beginning during the holiday season, and with mounting frustrations, a remarkable Canadian trucker vaccine mandate protest occurring by the end of January. This occurred as the Saturn-Uranus square was waning, moving past the five degree orb where I consider it to have strong effect. Therefore I do posit that it is a waning burst of frustration before a new phase begins. Moreover, with the flu pandemic of 1918, it seems the public tolerance and the government resources hit a limit after two years of combating the virus, so perhaps hitting a two-year threshold can explain the outburst, which is consistent with the volatile aspects of a square involving Uranus.

’This aspect has played out globally with public health mandates in response to COVID-19, especially vaccines and vaccine “passports.” Saturn sees vaccination and documentation as the evidence-backed, rational, pragmatic, and proven approach to dealing with a global pandemic. Uranus sees it as an authoritarian overreach that imposes on its freedoms.’’ (Astrology with Andy)

With these truck occupations, one notices an odd juxtaposition of friendly winter fair atmosphere with expressions of good will, on one hand, and aggressive, extreme right-wing ideologies on the other. Moreover, the rather grandiloquent, yet fuzzy statements by the protesters seems consistent with a Jupiter in Pisces influence. The creative use of technology seems to be aided by both Jupiter in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus. The exact Jupiter sextile Uranus may give the protesters a boost of enthusiasm and new ideas, although it might likely give a greater boost to the law-enforcement strategies, due to the inherently conservative, rigid stance of the protest under a waning Saturn-Uranus aspect that fuelled it. It's possible that this new aspect could also see a significant shift in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which has been festering since the end of December. 

Jupiter in Pisces

May 13th, 2021 to July 28th, 2022

December 28, 2021 to May 10, 2022

October 28th, 2022, to December 20th, 2022

‘’Pisces is a Water sign. With a Water sign Jupiter, we have a stronger belief in a higher power. We are most able to attract luck and rich life experiences through our intuition, imagination, and compassion. Helping those in need boosts our own morale.’’

‘’In Pisces, we can be avoidant or indulgent, if overdone. We should watch for escapism, bending personal philosophies or morals to suit the situation, deception and self-deception, restlessness and vague discontent, and unwillingness to face problems or negative situations directly.’’

‘’It’s also a fantastic period in which to improve our understanding. We see beyond class, religion, and other labels, and we tend to connect with ideas, beliefs, and practices that have a universal nature.’’ (Astrology Café)

Jupiter sextile Uranus

‘’Jupiter sextile Uranus transit makes you eager for positive changes in your life. You should have good fortune, freedom, and opportunities to make your life more exciting and interesting. This is a good time to tackle difficult tasks that have caused frustration or limitations in the past. Creative intelligence and experimentation can lead to new ideas and breakthroughs.’’ (Astrology King)

‘’With Jupiter forming a sextile to Uranus, changes and innovations are exciting. We’re open to new energies, approaches, and attitudes. Fortunate events occur as a direct result of our willingness to entertain the unusual and to think outside of the box. This transit favors group activities, financial endeavors associated with groups or organizational efforts, online connections and ventures, educational pursuits, writing, publishing, speaking, and humanitarian efforts. Our outlook is positive and optimistic.’’ (Astrology Café)

Therefore despite, the chaotic phase we are going through, I still consider this new aspect to be a more specific beginning of a more optimistic, progressive phase related to the new Jupiter-Saturn cycle. The upcoming Apr 12 Jupiter conjunct Neptune aspect will bring a strong spiritual influence, although the difficult conditions of the Saturn-Uranus square with Jupiter in Pisces will return briefly at the end of the year.


How Canada underestimated the anti-vaccine community

The deadly third wave of the 1918 

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