Friday 11 June 2021

Astrology: Summer Solstice June 20, 2021

Obstacles to Progress

This year is marked by the Saturn-Uranus square which goes exact three times this year, near the beginning (Feb. 17), the middle (June 14) and the end (Dec. 24), thus giving us a chance to see its meaning unfold in three steps. The second step occurs  one week before the summer solstice, marking a mid-point, possibly giving indications to be elucidated with the 3rd step at the years end.

Structure versus change

There’s openness to new and challengeing experiences, but the desire for change and new experiences can be thwarted and blocked because of rigid patterns. Longstanding difficult situations can become difficult to withstand, which can lead to unexpected radicalizations. Enduring pressure can cause extreme tensions, health issues. Fear of change can lead to total overthrow of structure or one can endure great tensions to avoid upsetting status quo. When the need for change is unconscious there can occur sudden unpleasant changes or accidents.

Problems with relationships that hold you down can emerge and oppressive authority figures. Work can become  too routine and rigid, with a  danger of new responsibilities without new sitmulation. There can be sudden fireing or quitting. It can be an opportunity to clean out elements that aren’t working, a chance to make conscious change.  It can be a matter of balancing creative change versus destructive revolution. (R. Hand)

Leading up to  the summer solstice, there has been a lunar eclipse (May 26), a Mars-Pluto opposition (June 5), a solar eclipse (June 10), the 2nd exact Saturn-Uranus square (June 14). This solstice chart (which can be considered as a kind of snapshot of the quarter to come) is a very intense one, with two powerful aspects, the challengeing Grand Cross and the beneficial Grand Trine, both involving the Moon, which can be quite powerful in a transit chart, even though it doesn’t last long.

Saturn, Mars, Uranus, Moon, Grand Cross

The first quarter of the year witnessed dramatic convulsions in the aftermath of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, notably with turbulence in American politics and the emergene of a second wave of the Covid pandemic. The second semester continued to witness social conflicts as the world struggled to proceed with the vaccination roll-out as efforts were made to control the re-merging pandemic.

The chart in this third quarter shows an interesting midway point. The desire for progressive change versus resistance to maintain traditional beliefs. Power struggles at the social level versus conflicts over the level of governmental control of pandemic measures – individual freedom versus collective health and safety, and the fair distribution of vaccines, hence the problem of social oppression.

A grand cross occurs when two oppositions are ninety degress apart, thus creating squares with all four points. Not necessarily an indication of failure, but rather an intense, high energy configuration with many conflicts and obstacles.  Mars square Saturn indicates a rebellious, impatient, impulsive attitude, frustrated by red tape, rules, authority figures and structures. The Moon opposite Uranus can bring unexpected conflicts, impulsiveness, impatience, and high sensitivity. One of the more volatile and unpredictable configurations possible (short of having Pluto instead of the Moon, and Pluto is still at a wide nine degree opposition to Mars). These aspects are at their most intense at the beginning of July, with an exact Mars-Saturn opposition on July 1st and a Mars-Uranus square on July 4th, making for a tight Mars-Saturn-Uranus T-square. Moreover, Mercury is retrograde, but is due to station direct on June 22, which can add some extra confusion. It is fortunate that there is a very favorable Grand Trine to soften the impact.

Sun, Moon, Jupiter Grand Trine

A Grand Trine brings great potential that requires work to bring out the maximum benefits. The planets are in water signs which highlights emotional states. Jupiter brings a positive, generous, altruistic, charitable, insightful attitude, that perceives holistic, big picture, long term views. It gives a great boost to the Sun and the Moon, the ego and the emotions, adding enthusiasm, optimism, buoyancy, charisma, and vitality.

Venus, Pluto, Neptune triangle of potential

A triangle of potential is an opposition that also has a sextile and trine that contains the key to resolving the opposition. Venus opposite Pluto brings intense passions, compulsive, demanding, manipulative tendencies where bottled up frustrations can explode., However with Venus trine Neptune (and the Neptune-Pluto trine), there is compassion, harmony, kindness, and openness and is a good time to  attune to the world of beauty, the arts, and the imagination.


 Robert Hand, Planets in Transit. Atgen, PA,, Whitford Press. 2001.

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