Sunday 24 January 2016

William Q. Judge - On the Daily Initiation 5 - Philosophy of Daily Life

This is actually our fifth quote pertaining to Judge's concept of 'Daily Initiation' and this passage kind of sums up what Judge was all about - a practical, deontological outlook with a concept of spiritual humanism that combines the compassion of Buddhism (or Christianity, or Sufism) with the holistic monism of Advaita Vedanta, in a contemporary language:

"We become one with the Supreme most surely when we lose ourselves in work for Humanity."

"To obtain the good, we must think good thoughts; we must be filled with good desires; in short, we must be good.
And this practical suggestion is to fulfill faithfully and conscientiously every known duty. It is in and through the incidents of daily life, in work well done, in duties thoroughly performed, that we today can most readily make progress in the higher life,-slow progress, it may be, but at any rate sure. These are stepping stones to better things. We advance most rapidly when we stop to help other wayfarers. We receive most when we sacrifice most. We attain to the largest measure of Divine love when we most unselfishly love the brethren. We become one with the Supreme most surely when we lose ourselves in work for Humanity."

 “Spiritual Gifts and their attainment”, The Path, February 1889
Two new books from Daniel Caldwell
PHOTOGRAPHIC FACSIMILE REPRINT of the April 1891 Edition of HPB's "Esoteric Instructions"
The Writing of The Secret Doctrine. 102 pages

images thanks to

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