(22) Karma may be of
three sorts (a) Presently operative in this life through the appropriate
instruments; (b) that which is being made or stored up to be exhausted in the
future; (c) Karma held over from past life or lives and not operating yet
because inhibited by inappropriateness of the instrument in use by the Ego, or
by the force of Karma now operating.
This is exactly what
is called Sanchita Prarabdha, by our Vedantic writers, who group the second and
third classes of Karma into one, and name it Sanchita, which simply means that
which is stored np for operation in future. I may here add that no notice is
taken of Agami (future) Karma in the above Aphorism. The reader is referred to
the Vedanta Sutras IV, 1, 13 and 15, and any Commentary thereon.
(23) Three fields of
operation are used in each being by Karma: (a) the body and the circumstances;
(b) the mind and intellect; (c) the psychic and astral planes.
With a slight
difference in detail, this is just the same as is given in our writings, e. g .,
the Bhagavadgita.
(24) Held-over Karma or present Karma may
each, or both at once, operate in all of the three fields of Karmic operation
at once, or in either of those fields a different class of Karma from that
using the others may operate at the same time.
This is an inference
from the two preceding Aphorisms.
(25) Birth into any sort of body and to obtain
the fruits of any sort of Karma is due to the preponderance of the line of
Karmic tendency.
See Aphorism No. 16.
“ The important
Karma, with its auxiliaries, determines the nature of enjoyment, (such as rank,
age, &c.) in the next birth.” (Vyasadeva, Commentary on Patanjali, II, 13)
(26) The sway of Karmic tendency will
influence the incarnation of an Ego, or any family of Egos, for three lives at
least, when measures of repression, elimination, or counteraction are not
(27) Measures taken by an Ego to repress
tendency, eliminate defects, and to counteract by setting up different causes,
will alter the sway of Karmic tendency and shorten its influence in accordance
with the strength or weakness of the efforts expended in carrying out the
measures adopted.
(28) No man but a
sage or true seer can judge another's Karma. Hence while each receives his
deserts appearances may deceive, and birth into poverty or heavy trial may not
be punishment for bad Karma, for Egos continually incarnate into poor
surroundings where they experience difficulties and trials which are for the
discipline of the Ego and result in strength, fortitude, and sympathy.
“ He who knows Karma is a wise man.” (Bhagavadgita,
V. 19)
In the Chhandogyopanishad,
mention is made of a great Adept, Raikwa by name, who was suffering from
leprosy, as the result of bad Karma in one of his previous births, and,
notwithstanding that he was a knower of Brahman, he had to experience the
effects of Karmas other than Prarabdha. (See also Brahmasutras, IV, 4—15).
(29) Race-Karma
influences each unit in the race through the law of Distribution. National
Karma operates on the members of the nation by the same law more concentrated.
Family Karma governs only with a nation where families have been kept pure and
distinct; for in any nation where there is a mixture of family -- as obtains in
each Kaliyuga period -- family Karma is in general distributed over a nation.
But even at such periods some families remain coherent for long periods, and then
the members feel the sway of family Karma. The word "family" may
include several smaller families.
(30) Karma operates
to produce cataclysms of nature by concatenation through the mental and astral
planes of being. A cataclysm may be traced to an immediate physical cause such
as internal fire and atmospheric disturbance, but these have been brought on by
the disturbance created through the dynamic power of human thought.
In the Mahabharata,
Yanaparva, it is said that at the end of Kaliyuga, owing to the prevalence of
Adharma and neglect of religious duties, famines, pestilence, and cataclysms
will take place, and carry away men and women by thousands. The whole
manifested nature, whether material or astral, is governed by Karmic law.
Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra and other deities do their work, towards an individual, a
nation, a race, or the whole world, according to the nature of the fruits of
Karma they deserve. In Sanskrit writings, thought and the deity presiding over
it are identical, and so both are involved when an action relating to either of
them is mentioned.
(31) Egos who have
no Karmic connection with a portion of the globe where a cataclysm is coming on
are kept without the latter's operation in two ways: (a) by repulsion acting on
their inner nature, and (b) by being called and warned by those who watch the
progress of the world.
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