Daniel Caldwell’s large 700-page 2004 edition from Kessinger is remarkably
complete. Included are facsimile reproductions of the original pamphlets (some
250 pages in all), and an earlier first printing of the first two pamphlets
that has slight differences from the subsequent printings. Of particular note is the inclusion of the rare 6th
instruction pamphlet issued in 1900 which contains much little-known material
of considerable interest. There is also a reproduction of the ‘Inner Group’
class notes (some 60 pages) and numerous administrative memos, letters and book
extracts pertaining to the esoteric section of the Theosophical Society. The
only significant omissions being color versions
of the diagrams, and some annotations and an historical essay from the
Spierenburg book (NB- additional esoteric section material can be found in the SD3 (notes on oral teachings) and Judge's Echoes of the Orient, Vol. 3). Although the variations in page layout give the book a
somewhat cluttered appearance, this book contains a cornucopia of new and valuable
historical material covering the final period of HPB’s life.
It may be useful to note that it is not advisable to follow
practically the ‘Inner Group’ instructions without a competent teacher (which
would presumably entail complying with the various rules and pledges included
in the instructions) any more than one should follow Hindu or Buddhist Tantric
texts practically without a qualified instructor. Moreover, I personally feel
that these instructions are best studied as (presumably) originally intended by Blavatsky, as a
culmination of the three-volume Secret Doctrine series; in any case, the
instructions give numerous references to the first two volumes of the Secret
Doctrine, so a certain amount of knowledge of these works is helpful.PS. One needn't be deterred by the originally intended monthly frequency of the instructions - there is considerably more than a month's worth of study in each pamplet - the complete instructions contain matter for several years' worth of study.
links of interest -
Happy Peace Day!
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