“Orthodoxy in Theosophy is a
thing neither possible nor desirable. It is diversity of opinion, within
certain limits, that keeps the Theosophical Society a living and a healthy
body, its many other ugly features notwithstanding. Were it not, also, for the
existence of a large amount of uncertainty in the minds of students of
Theosophy, such healthy divergencies would be impossible, and the Society would
degenerate into a sect, in which a narrow and stereotyped creed would take the
place of the living and breathing spirit of Truth and an ever growing
Knowledge.” First Letter to the American Convention
“Yet the
masses could not be allowed to remain without some sort of moral restraint. Man
is ever craving for a “beyond” and cannot live without an ideal of some kind,
as a beacon and a consolation. At the same time, no average man, even in our
age of universal education, could be entrusted with truths too metaphysical,
too subtle for his mind to comprehend, without the danger of an imminent
reaction setting in, and faith in Gods and Saints making room for an
unscientific blank Atheism. No real philanthropist, hence no Occultist, would
dream for a moment of a mankind without one tittle of Religion. Even the modern
day Religion in Europe, confined to Sundays, is better than none. But if, as
Bunyan* put it, “Religion is the best armour that a man can have,” it certainly
is the “worst cloak”; and it is that “cloak” and false pretence which the
Occultists and the Theosophists fight against. The true ideal Deity, the one
living God in Nature, can never suffer in man’s worship if that outward cloak,
woven by man’s fancy, and thrown upon the Deity by the crafty hand of the
priest greedy of power and domination, is drawn aside." (THE
Collected Writings, Volume 14 Page42
"But so also is the Occultist justified, if he would serve truth and only truth, in rejecting such a onesided view. The student of Occultism must belong to no special creed or sect, yet he is bound to show outward respect to every creed and faith, if he would become an Adept of the Good Law. He must not be bound by the prejudged and sectarian opinions of anyone, and he has to form his own opinions and to come to his own conclusions in accordance with the rules of evidence furnished to him by the Science to which he is devoted. Thus, if the Occultist is, by way of illustration, a Buddhist, then, while regarding Gautama Buddha as the grandest of all the Adepts that lived, and the incarnation of unselfish love, boundless charity, and moral goodness, he will regard in the same light Jesus––proclaiming Him another such incarnation of every divine virtue." (THE DUTY OF THE TRUE OCCULTIST TOWARD RELIGIONS) Blavatsky Collected Writings, Volume 14 Page 108
Canada's sad role in the Syrian refugee crisis:
Canada's sad role in the Syrian refugee crisis:
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