
Isis Unveiled Summary (Blavatsky)

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Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Top 40 posts of all time

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In 2024, we continued to put more emphasis on astrology, expanding our quarterly charts by including a review of the previous semester and adding posts for major aspects, which became more intricate. This has been fairly well-received. Since we only really presented three new posts, which were not even all that new, below is a list of the 40 all-time most viewed posts, a kind of greatest hits mix tape, if you will. This is not a terribly precise list, but gives some indication how a post can sometimes gain popularity. We have just completed 10 years of posting an average of 44 posts annually, consequently, we now have 440 posts available. It seems like we started blogging only yesterday. So much has happened in the world since then. Time flies! The readers have spoken. Thank you for the interest and support. 
What does the future hold for this blog? For now, it is hard to say. We are still in the process of reviewing past content and evaluating future needs. Since the heavens will be going through major changes this year, it stands to reason that the Theosophy Project will reflect those changes to a certain extent. It is clear the Blavatsky News will be continuing with posts on a monthly basis, at least.
1  The 8 Confucian Virtues
2  Thesosophy Basics: Primordial Substance (Mulaprakriti, Akasha, Svabhava, Pradhana, Aditi)
3 The spiritual, mystical and esoteric symbolism of the Cross and the Crucifixion - Anna Kingsford
4  12 Theosophical Books that Changed the World
5  The Three Stages of Christian Mysticism
6 Introduction to Gnosticism: The Pistis Sophia, part 1/3 (Blavatsky)


7 Hierocles the Stoic's Concentric Circles of Cosmopolitanism
8 Plato's Four Arguments for the Immortality of the Soul from the Phaedo part 1


9  Blavatsky's translation of Leo Tolstoy's The Imp and the Crust (1889)


10  Theosophy Basics: Ethical Principles
11  Back to Basics - FAQ
12 The Mahabharata and the Iliad compared - a symbolic interpretation


13 10 Theosophical books that changed the 20th Century
14  Theosophy Basics: Gupta Vidya, Atma Vidya, Brahma Vidya


15 Seneca's Daily Examination of Conscience
16 Jacob Boehme on the love of Sophia (Wisdom) 1


17 Blavatsky on Sufism / Sufi Wisdom
18  The Kabbalah on Reincarnation 1/5


19 Theosophy basics: Blavatsky on the number seven

20 The 12 Most Important Ethical-Moral Philosophy Writings of All-Time


21 The Septenary Principle in Sufism
22 Book Review: Masters of Wisdom: The Mahatmas, Their Letters, and the Path - Edward Abdill 
23 The Six Buddhist Perfections (Paramitas) in Christianity
24 Theosophy Basics: The Siddhis - Psychic Powers
25 The Maitri Upanishad on Taming the Mind
26 The Secret Doctrine - The Introduction Section


27 The Platonic Philosopher's Creed - Thomas Taylor 1/2
28 Theosophy Basics: Universal Brotherhood / Sisterhood 1/2
29 Jean-Marie Ragon on Universal Masonry and Brother/Sisterhood
30  Theosophy Basics: The Microcosm and Macrocosm Analogy - Macrocosm and Microcosm Correspondence
31 The Golden Rule in 20 World Religions
33  On Studying the Secret Doctrine
34 Porphyry - On the Cave of the Nymphs 1/4
35 Blavatsky on the Arba-il or Sacred Four - Part 1

36 Isis Unveiled, Vol. 1 Table of Contents, Blavatsky

37 Theosophy Book Review: Zanoni - Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton
38  Blavatsky on Moral Epidemics
39 Sufism: Ibn Arabi - What the Seeker Needs 
40 The spiritual meaning of St-John's Day / Midsummer Day / the Summer Solstice

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Astrology: The Year Ahead 2025

Jupiter square Saturn (3rd) on June 15 marks the one quarter mark of the Jupiter-Saturn cycle begun in 2020. I see the first five years of this cycle as a period of transition and adjustment. It can be a good time to reflect on all that has happened, notably: the Covid pandemic, the US capitol building riots, the Russian-Ukraine and Israel-Palestine wars. 
By July, we'll be moving into the more definite 5-year part of the optimistic 10-year phase in the 20-year Jupiter-Saturn cycle. Optimistic does not necessarily mean peaceful. It can signal a gung-ho conquest energy as well as cooperative, peace-building trends, as
the Neptune, Pluto, Uranus minor grand trine (or Uranus, Neptune, Pluto 2025 to 2028 –  Magic Triangle ) moves into it's beneficial influence over the next few years. 
According to Bryanna Collier:
2025 is shaping up to be a year unlike anything we've experienced before — at least when it comes to the action in the sky. The four outer planets in our solar system, sometimes known in astrology as generational planets, will all change signs, shifting how we operate in the world. Since these celestial bodies cycle through the zodiac at a slower pace, the impact of their transitions is often more noticeable in our lives. Buckle up for some big transformations.
 The first of these transits will kick off on March 30, when dream-ruling Neptune enters energetic Aries. Over the next 14 years, big ideas have the potential to spring forth into the collective consciousness and shake things up in a major way. Saturn — the planet of wisdom, structure and discipline — will also make his way into driven Aries on May 24 or May 25 (depending on your time zone), igniting us with the courage to go after what we desire, even if it requires a lot of hard work. We may feel tempted to go overboard with things as abundant Jupiter moves into deep-feeling Cancer starting on June 9. When the planet of luck spends time in the cardinal water sign, our emotions tend to heighten, compelling us to pour our whole heart into our homes, relationships and anything else that pulls our focus. Finally, when revolutionary Uranus enters social Gemini on July 7, we'll be challenged to find fresh ways to communicate. From now through 2033, it'll be up to us to come together to create — and embrace — new inventions that amplify connection.

The Pluto ingress into Aquarius on November 20, 2024 is still in a high energy transition position that should last until Pluto reaches the 3rd degree of Aquarius early in the year, but will retrograde, and other outer planets will take time to fully enter new signs, meaning that 2026 will see a more stable positive sky configuration.
We’ll have an eclipse phase in March and September. Mercury retrograde for 3 weeks in March-April, July-August, and November. The month-long volatile Mars aspects (*) will be more frequent  this year because some occur during a Mars retrograde period.   January, April-May, June, July-August, September-October, October-November, November-December will all have volatile Mars aspects. In fact, February and March will be the only months with no difficult Mars aspects. But with five outer planets hovering between the high-energy cusps of two signs and 7 volatile Mars aspects (marked in red), one can expects a fair amount of convulsions in this transition year.
June looks to be a very intense month, with June 15Jupiter square Saturn (3 of 3), June 19 Jupiter square Neptune (1 of 1) aspects, but we will have two visits each of Saturn sextile Uranus and part of the start of an era defining pattern with Uranus sextile Neptune for more positive influences.

2025 Astrology

  • Jan 3  Mars opposite Pluto
  • Feb 23 Mars direct
  • Mar 14 – Lunar Eclipse at 23♍56
  • Mar 15 Mercury Retrograde
  • Mar 29 – Solar Eclipse at 09♈00
  • Mar  30 Neptune in Aries 
  • Apr 04 – Saturn sextile Uranus (1 of 3)
  • Apr  7 Mercury Direct 
  • Apr 26  Mars opposite Pluto
  • May 25 Saturn in Aries 
  • June  9  Jupiter in Cancer
  • Jun 15  Mars square Uranus 
  • June 15 – Jupiter square Saturn (3 of 3)
  • June 19 – Jupiter square Neptune (1 of 1)
  • Jul Uranus in  Gemini
  • July 31 Saturn conjunct Neptune
  • Aug 11 – Saturn sextile Uranus (2 of 3)
  • Jul 18 Mercury Retrograde
  • Aug  8 Mars opposite Saturn  
  • Aug 11 Mercury Direct
  • Aug 28 – Uranus sextile Neptune (1 of 5)
  • Sept 07 – Lunar Eclipse at 15♓22
  • Sept 21– Solar Eclipse at 29♍05
  • Sep 24 Mars square Pluto
  • Nov 7  Mars opposition Uranus  
  • Nov  9  Mercury Retrograde 
  • Nov 20 – Uranus sextile Neptune (2 of 5)
  • Nov 29 Mercury Direct
  • Dec  8, 2025   Mars square Saturn 

The following aspects are not exact until 2026, but they come within 2° orb in 2025:


PS - they say that 2025 is ruled by Mars, because the kabbalistic reduction, adding sum of individual digits, gives 9, related to Mars. Also 7 month-long volatile Mars aspects this year (average: 4); Saturn & Neptune in Aries this Spring; Mars on steroids...

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Astrology: The Year 2024 in Review

Some strong Jupiter aspects brought some optimistic, idealistic moments in the first half of the year. With the shifting of Pluto between Capricorn and Aquarius, two of three Jupiter-Saturn squares and some powerful eclipses in March-April and October, it was quite a dramatic year and rather quirky year, this US election and Olympic game year. Overall, we are heading for a positive period, from 2026-2030, a transition towards which entails some convulsions related to new phases coming into place.

Jan 21 Pluto in Aquarius
May 25Jupiter in Gemini until June 9, 2025
June 10 Neptune sextile Pluto in orb not exact until 2026  
Sept 02  Pluto in Capricorn 
Jan. 1 The new year witnessed a massive earthquake in Japan,  along Japan’s western coast of a 7.5 magnitude. The quake shook the Noto Peninsula in the central prefecture of Ishikawa collapsing buildings, sparking fires and triggering tsunami alerts as far away as eastern Russia.

Jan 21 Pluto returned to Aquarius and there was a major earthquake in China, snowstorms in the US, and a new temple for Ram in India was inaugurated. 


March 9 Mars square Uranus   
Haiti’s PM Ariel Henry tenders resignation as country descends into gang-faction chaos, Sudan is being reprimanded for blocking Humanitarian Aid amidst a hunger crisis, with Sweden officially becoming a member of Nato.

March 25- UN Security Council calls for cease fire in Gaza.
March 27 A boat collision caused a deadly bridge collapse in Baltimore
April 1 Dramatic internet cancel-culture influenced suicide of prominent alternative cartoonist Ed Piskor rocked the comic book community
April 3 A Taiwan Earthquake was the strongest to hit Taiwan since a magnitude 7.7 earthquake in 1999 that killed 2,400 people.
April 4  Earthquake in New York The U.S. Geological Survey said over 42 million people might have felt the midmorning quake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.8, centered near Whitehouse Station, New Jersey.
Total Solar New Moon Eclipse in Aries Mon April 8 2024 'Great American' Leslie Hale Apr 05, 2024 
2017 was the year US became ‘divided’ politically and  it was a period of drastic change & beginning of 7 years of political upheaval in US that continues today
April 10- An astrologer, influenced by QAnon eclipse conspiracy theories and apocalyptic predictions, involved in tragic murder-suicide episode
April 18- Man involved in mass stabbing of women at Australian shopping centre
April 20- Conspiracy theorist sets himself on fire as an act of protest

May 10- Powerful Solar Storm, a rare G5 geomagnetic storm not seen since Halloween 2003 is supercharging the northern lights around the world. 
On that day, US president held a state visit for Kenya’s President William Ruto, humanitarian aid began reaching Gaza,  Covid-19 variant KP.2 has become the dominant strain in the U.
May 20 The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court sought arrest warrants Monday for leaders of Israel and Hamas, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, over actions taken during their seven-month war
May 24 The International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Friday issued new provisional measures that order Israel to immediately end military operations in Rafah in southern Gaza and to open the governate’s border crossing for urgent aid deliveries.
May 25Jupiter in Gemini until June 9, 2025
On that day we saw Claudia Sheinbaum become Mexico's first woman president, beginning of Hunter Biden gun trial, Trump hush-money conviction, Middle East cease fire talks, North Korean Trash balloon affair with South Korea ends.
June 5In Montreal, a homeless shelter built beside an elementary school has caused many incidents and debates, becoming something of a symbol of the homeless crisis in the province of Quebec, Canada.

June 10 Neptune sextile Pluto in orb not exact until 2026

June 11 –  Mars square Pluto (Aquarius) *
On that day, we saw Hunter Biden gun conviction, UCLA Gaza protest escalate, US home prices reach record highs, a US bus hijacking, beginning of G7 Summit.

I was forecasting August to be a volatile month, however, July had some major events in the US. 
July 13, Donald Trump was shot in the ear.
July 2o, Joe Biden stepped down from the election race, and endorsed Kamala Harris. 
July 31, the US Gymnastic team Simone Biles, Suni Lee, Jordan Chiles, Jade Carey & Hezly Rivera completed their redemption journey with an Oympic team gold medal win (with the gravity defying power of Oz).
 Mars (Gemini) square Saturn (Pisces)(Aug 16). I noticed some strong Gemini (Air) and Pisces (water) influences with several major storms, floods and naval accidents. 
August 15-16, there was a major pipe rupture in Montreal, a major Typhoon in Japan, Hurricane Ernesto caused devastation in Puerto Rico, major air quality advisories due to forest fires across Western Canada, heroic boat rescue in Washington, DC. There were several bridge incidents as well (Senneville, Montreal, Shaanxi, China , Thunder Bay, Halifax). 
Super Moon Blue Moon, August 19, there was the Mike Lynch-Stephen Chamberlain coincidental deaths-Palermo yacht incident.   
August 28, there was a major flood in Gujarat, India

September 2, Pluto made its final ingress into Capricorn, before it moves to Aquarius on November 19. 
Hundreds of thousands of protesters took to Israel’s streets over the government’s failure to secure a ceasefire-for-hostages deal with Hamas.  Several #metoo related cases achieved verdicts, such as Peter Nygard on September 9, and Diddy on the eclipse of September 17, in Pisces (a water signs), as a major rain system, Storm Boris, causes at lest 21 fatalities across Europe.
From Sept 24-29, Hurricane Helene struck. It was was a devastating tropical cyclone that caused widespread catastrophic damage and numerous fatalities across the Southeastern United States
Oct 02 – Solar Eclipse in Libra, annular
The eclipse was special:
Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (C/2023 A3) crosses the ecliptic on October 7th at same degree of the solar eclipse at 10° Libra visible over Easter Island where Solar eclipse was  conjunct the dwarf planet Makemake- a creator/fertility god in the Rapa Nui mythology of Easter Island. C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) *and* the new Kreutz comet C/2024 S1 (ATLAS) - the first time we have two simultaneous or near-simultaneous bright (2nd magnitude or brighter) comets in the sky since 1911. Also Asteroid 2024 PT5 which originates from the Arjuna asteroid belt, which comprises a collection of space rocks that share similar orbits with our planet entered Earth's orbit for a weeks. Also: On October 1, the sun released a very powerful X7 solar flare. On October 3, it released an X9.
5 things to know for Oct. 3: Middle East tensions, January 6 election revelations, one million US power outages, Bank of America computer failure
Full moon in Aries October 17, 2024 
Oct. 16 - Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, believed to be the chief architect of the militant group’s October 7, 2023, terror attack that set off the war in Gaza, was killed by Israeli forces
On Oct 26, there was  an apology from the President of the United States to Indian Boarding School survivors and families happened. It’s the first step towards reckoning with the truths and atrocities of the American Genocide aimed at children and opens the healing
On Oct 31, the Dodgers defeated the Yankees in US basesball's World Series final. This World Series, following the Great North American Eclipse, was the 1st time Dodgers & Yankees face off since 1981, which marked a sort of end of an era for both teams. April 8 eclipse was along East coast, could be why Yankees were so unlucky -

Nov 03 –  Mars (Cancer) opposition Pluto (Capricorn)

The Nov 3 Mars opposition Pluto had a rather special week-long configuration. The triangle pattern with the tip at Neptune over a rectangle can be called an envelope or castle. Quite rare & complex, it's actually a mystic rectangle with two kites, main basic figure being a Mercuy, Neptune, Mars Grand Trine. Added to this was a Venus, Jupiter, Saturn T-Square, intense, difficult, powerful & a Sun trine Saturn keeping things stable & organized. Intense, difficult, but with strong, positive supports, transformative potential

The dramatic death of social media star P'nut the squirrel palpably impacted US election discourse.

Nov 4 Flood in Spain, 

Nov. 4 Soccer player Hugo De La Cruz died after being struck by lightning during game in Peru.

Nov. 5-  US election. Donald Trump defeats Kamala Harris in a clear-cut win.

Pluto's final ingress into Aquarius proved to be quite eventful, with much political drama in its wake. Also Mars opposite Pluto back in orb in December until May, hence high-profile murders, deaths, accidents...
On that day, we saw Elon Musk's SpaceX aborted a highly anticipated booster catch attempt during the sixth test of Starship; in a major escalation, Ukraine fired US-made missiles into the Russian region of Bryansk, President-elect Donald Trump continued his string of unconventional Cabinet picks; a “once in a decade” bomb cyclone swept through the northwest US and parts of Canada; Bitcoin, the world’s largest cryptocurrency, climbed to record highs.
Vanity Fair Cormac McCarthy article, Nov 20, marks end of Pluto in Capricorn phase, many questions raised example of semester prognostic. One of the weird, Theosophical, post-war, great American machismo novelists (Kerouac, Pynchon, Delilo)
Nov. 22
To mark this new phase, the heavily-promoted Wicked movie had a strong first week opening. Based on 
L. Frank Baum's Wizard of Oz, the Gregory Maguire book, musical & now film all impacted in different, original ways. 
‘Wicked’ $350M Promo Unprecedented
As was 1939 Wizard of Oz film, Wicked reviewed as  a "much-needed escape" with a powerful message of kindness, friendship, representation & acceptance
This period also saw the emergence of the New Jersey Drone Sighting craze that began in mid-November 
On Dec. 7 auction, Ruby slippers worn by Judy Garland in ‘The Wizard of Oz’ are auctioned for $28 million, ending a dramatic 20-year odyssey.
On December 8, the festering 13-year civil war in Syria ended, with tumultuous democratic tensions in South Korea, Romania, France, and Austria.
Election-Related Protests Surged in 2024
More than 160 significant anti-government protests erupted around the world this year, December 16, 2024