Thursday 30 May 2024

Astrology: Jupiter Trine Pluto June 2, 2024


Jupiter trine Pluto transit dramatically increases your power and influence. You can use this power to positively transform your own life, your environment, and other people’s lives. You will feel in control of situations and may find yourself in positions of power or authority in group settings.

The most significant gains during this period come from maintaining high morals and not acting selfishly. Gains will still come by putting yourself above others, but the improvements will not have the lasting transforming qualities associated with this transit.

The transitions on the way could include promotion in your career, leading to increased wealth and power. Journeys made now will also powerfully transform your outlook on life and be remembered as once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Overall, a very satisfying and evolving phase of life.


Jupiter’s trine to Pluto can help us focus. It can also get us in touch with our more deeply buried ambitions.

It’s a time of heightened influence, faith, and insight. The desire for more personal significance can lead us to give of ourselves or motivate us to pursue individual or professional goals more ambitiously. This transit enhances our ability to sway or persuade.

We might seize the opportunity to better ourselves during this transit. It’s a time when long-standing problems can be resolved, and untapped resources can be harnessed. This transit is particularly favorable for business, law, and commerce, empowering us to channel our ambitions more effectively and offering us the power to organize. The desire for success is potent, and our determination is heightened, making it an ideal time for personal and professional growth.

New ventures can thrive, and so can reviving projects already in progress. This powerful aspect can lead to a stronger sense of confidence, as well as increased ambition, gumption, and resourcefulness. We may see opportunities where we previously saw obstacles, and our pursuits can have more depth and power.

From Planets in Transit, Robert Hand: 

Under this influence you will move to make positive changes in your personal and your social world. 

You have a strong desire to reform and remake at this time, you should be striving to improve condtions all around you, to renew and to serve as a vehicle for regeneration in your world. I fyou attain personal power in any way at all, use it to clear up and clean out. You may have the chance to lead or indluence others, so use that influence to help everyone concerned to grow with you. (p. 306)

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