
Isis Unveiled Summary (Blavatsky)

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Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Top 40 posts of all time

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In 2024, we continued to put more emphasis on astrology, expanding our quarterly charts by including a review of the previous semester and adding posts for major aspects, which became more intricate. This has been fairly well-received. Since we only really presented three new posts, which were not even all that new, below is a list of the 40 all-time most viewed posts, a kind of greatest hits mix tape, if you will. This is not a terribly precise list, but gives some indication how a post can sometimes gain popularity. We have just completed 10 years of posting an average of 44 posts annually, consequently, we now have 440 posts available. It seems like we started blogging only yesterday. So much has happened in the world since then. Time flies! The readers have spoken. Thank you for the interest and support. 
What does the future hold for this blog? For now, it is hard to say. We are still in the process of reviewing past content and evaluating future needs. Since the heavens will be going through major changes this year, it stands to reason that the Theosophy Project will reflect those changes to a certain extent. It is clear the Blavatsky News will be continuing with posts on a monthly basis, at least.
1  The 8 Confucian Virtues
2  Thesosophy Basics: Primordial Substance (Mulaprakriti, Akasha, Svabhava, Pradhana, Aditi)
3 The spiritual, mystical and esoteric symbolism of the Cross and the Crucifixion - Anna Kingsford
4  12 Theosophical Books that Changed the World
5  The Three Stages of Christian Mysticism
6 Introduction to Gnosticism: The Pistis Sophia, part 1/3 (Blavatsky)


7 Hierocles the Stoic's Concentric Circles of Cosmopolitanism
8 Plato's Four Arguments for the Immortality of the Soul from the Phaedo part 1


9  Blavatsky's translation of Leo Tolstoy's The Imp and the Crust (1889)


10  Theosophy Basics: Ethical Principles
11  Back to Basics - FAQ
12 The Mahabharata and the Iliad compared - a symbolic interpretation


13 10 Theosophical books that changed the 20th Century
14  Theosophy Basics: Gupta Vidya, Atma Vidya, Brahma Vidya


15 Seneca's Daily Examination of Conscience
16 Jacob Boehme on the love of Sophia (Wisdom) 1


17 Blavatsky on Sufism / Sufi Wisdom
18  The Kabbalah on Reincarnation 1/5


19 Theosophy basics: Blavatsky on the number seven

20 The 12 Most Important Ethical-Moral Philosophy Writings of All-Time


21 The Septenary Principle in Sufism
22 Book Review: Masters of Wisdom: The Mahatmas, Their Letters, and the Path - Edward Abdill 
23 The Six Buddhist Perfections (Paramitas) in Christianity
24 Theosophy Basics: The Siddhis - Psychic Powers
25 The Maitri Upanishad on Taming the Mind
26 The Secret Doctrine - The Introduction Section


27 The Platonic Philosopher's Creed - Thomas Taylor 1/2
28 Theosophy Basics: Universal Brotherhood / Sisterhood 1/2
29 Jean-Marie Ragon on Universal Masonry and Brother/Sisterhood
30  Theosophy Basics: The Microcosm and Macrocosm Analogy - Macrocosm and Microcosm Correspondence
31 The Golden Rule in 20 World Religions
33  On Studying the Secret Doctrine
34 Porphyry - On the Cave of the Nymphs 1/4
35 Blavatsky on the Arba-il or Sacred Four - Part 1

36 Isis Unveiled, Vol. 1 Table of Contents, Blavatsky

37 Theosophy Book Review: Zanoni - Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton
38  Blavatsky on Moral Epidemics
39 Sufism: Ibn Arabi - What the Seeker Needs 
40 The spiritual meaning of St-John's Day / Midsummer Day / the Summer Solstice

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