Friday 18 March 2022

Astrology: Spring Equinox, March 20, 2022, part 2

War and Peace

On February 24, Russia began military offensives in Ukraine that sent most of Europe into political turmoil. This post aims at presenting some short observations on the astrological factors related to this crisis. I had noted the festering tensions in a post the week prior:

In a previous post I wrote:’’Judging from the previous ones, the third and final Saturn-Uranus square (December 24, 2021) could bring some heavy difficulties, but it is also an opportunity to come to terms with the previous conflicts. It can be considered as a final reality check before this aspect gradually fades, embarking on a new, optimistic, constructive phase that the Jupiter-Saturn cycle brings.’’

The exact Jupiter sextile Uranus may give the protesters a boost of enthusiasm and new ideas, although it might likely give a greater boost to the law-enforcement strategies, due to the inherently conservative, rigid stance of the protest under a waning Saturn-Uranus aspect that fuelled it. It's possible that this new aspect could also see a significant shift in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which has been festering since the end of December. 

Therefore despite, the chaotic phase we are going through, I still consider this new aspect to be a more specific beginning of a more optimistic, progressive phase related to the new Jupiter-Saturn cycle. The upcoming Apr 12 Jupiter conjunct Neptune aspect will bring a strong spiritual influence, although the difficult conditions of the Saturn-Uranus square with Jupiter in Pisces will return briefly at the of the year.

Note also an astrological aspect for February 23:

Mercury square Uranus. New info can surface that upsets status quo

A precision about what I mean about the Jupiter-Saturn cycle: The first ten years can be characterized as predominantly Jovian, followed by a decade predominantly Saturnian. The optimistic Jupiter phase doesn’t necessarily preclude warfare, as it can be considered an extreme manifestation of Jovian over-zealousness, often ideologically influenced. (And there is a complex political-religious subtext to this crisis). It can be compared to the ill-fated American-led occupation of Afghanistan that book-ended the previous Jupiter-Saturn cycle. Unfortunately the Jovian phase often sees examples of excessive, misguided optimism, that end up being radically re-adjusted during the stern, realistic Saturn phase.

It is also possible to connect this crisis with an event previously noted:

Solar Eclipse, December 3, 2021 - There is increasing concern over the potential for Russian aggression against Ukraine. Russia has rapidly escalated its military presence along the countries' shared border, amassing up to 175,000 troops there.

According to Astrology King:

The December 4 solar eclipse and the November 19 lunar eclipse form an eclipse phase that lasts until the solar eclipse on April 30, 2022.

Aquarius and Pisces Stellia

The two powerful stellia in the Spring Equinox chart indicate a strong humanistic, compassionate, social, global solidarity against the invasion. The chart around the new moon on March 2 captures one of the strongest moments of the stellia, with a conjunction of five planets in Aquarius and four planets in Pisces, and actually all nine planets could be considered in conjunction with each other. This moment coincided with a record United Nations vote supporting a resolution against Russian aggression in Ukraine and also a strong vote to end plastic pollution.

US Pluto Return

The US Pluto return on February 22 (more accurately, Feb. 20), coincided quite closely with the Russian invasion, so there would seem to be a connection. As noted, one could see a parallel with the Afghanistan occupation which marked the previous Jupiter-Saturn cycle.

How long will it last

The Spring chart is quite intense, with a tight Moon-Pluto square and a fairly tight Venus conjunct Mars square Uranus, so it would seem to indicate passionate, deceitful, volatile conflict in effect for the next three months. The Summer solstice seems less conflictual, but has a difficult Mars-Pluto square, and by the Fall equinox, the Saturn-Uranus square will be in effect again, with a two degree orb.

I tend to connect these events to a waning energy of rebellion dating back to Uranus-Pluto squares of 2012-15 (marked by the Russian annexation of Crimea in Ukraine) and ending with the recent Saturn-Uranus square. That square is still currently in an eight degree orb, still relatively close, so it can still have some strength and Pluto is still in Capricorn (November 26, 2008 – March 23, 2023; Sept 1, 2024 – November 19, 2024), (driving ambition for political power) which I consider to be another factor (and as it nearing the cusp of the sign, it's influence is stronger).

The Syria situation shows that Russia can remain entrenched in long, complicated, violent conflicts. Whether the current situation ends in an eventual short-term takeover by Russia, or a negotiated settlement is reached, or if it becomes a long-term occupation affair like Afghanistan, is hard to say. Although overall, the planetary aspects will be evolving toward more peaceful figures over the next year, it seems possible that intense violent fighting could continue until Pluto leaves Capricorn on March 23, 2023, at which time the Saturn-Uranus square will have also faded. Hopefully, the very positive Aquarius and Pisces energies can help bring about a peaceful resolution sooner.

for a more detailed chart analysis, see:

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