Friday 25 November 2016

William Q. Judge on Esoteric Theory of Mind

The inner nature has a diet out of our thoughts and motives. If those are low or gross or selfish, it is equivalent to feeding that nature upon gross food. True theosophic diet is therefore not of either meat or wine; it is unselfish thoughts and deeds, untiring devotion to the welfare of “the great orphan Humanity,” absolute abnegation of self, unutterable aspiration to the Divine — the Supreme Soul. Theosophic Diet [The Path, Vol. III, December 1888, pp. 290-2] Echoes of the Orient Vol. I, 100-101

Every thought has with it in its journey all the physical, mental, and moral attributes of the thinker; but the recipient may be able only to perceive one of those attributes, and then, instead of getting the thinker’s thought, he may hear the rate of vibration in the body of the thinker, and all he sees then is a small white star. Stray Memoranda [The Path, Vol. III, February 1889, pp. 350-2] Echoes 109
Although each thought goes on through infinite space, many thoughts sent out from your mind are, so to say, lost on the way; for they meet opposite thoughts or stronger ones which deflect them from the course desired, and they thus fly on to a goal not in the mind of the thinker, or through weakness of impulse they fall easily away from the appointed orbit. Stray Memoranda [The Path, Vol. III, February 1889, pp. 350-2] Echoes 109

At once the motion made and thoughts aroused elicit their own sound, color, motion in ether, amount of etheric light, symbolic picture, disturbance of elemental forces, and so on through the great catalogue.Shall We Teach Clairvoyance?[The Path, Vol. V, December 1890, pp. 272-4] Echoes 178

So also the Manasic, or mind element, with its cosmic and infinite potentialities, is not merely the developed “instinct” of the animal. Mind is the latent or active potentiality of Cosmic Ideation, the essence of every form, the basis of every law, the potency of every principle in the universe. Human thought is the reflection or reproduction in the realm of mans consciousness of these forms, laws, and principles. The Synthesis of Occult Science [The Path, Vol. VI, November 1891, pp. 242-5; February 1892, pp. 350-3; March 1892, pp. 379-82] Echoes 214

But regarding it from the theosophical side, we know that the thoughts of the preceding life are the causes for the troubles and the joys of this, and therefore those troubles are now being exhausted here by the proper channel, the body, and are on the way down and out. Of “Metaphysical Healing”[The Path, Vol. VI, January 1892, pp. 304-7] Echoes 228

As Patanjali put it ages ago, in mind lie planted all seeds with self-reproductive power inherent in them, only waiting for time and circumstances to sprout again. Here are the causes for our diseases. Product of thought truly, but thought long finished and now transformed into cause beyond our present thought. Lying like tigers by the edge of the jungle’s pool ready to spring when the hour arrives, they may come forward accompanied by counteractions due to other causes, or them may come alone. Replanting Diseases for Future Use [The Path, Vol. VII, October, 1892, pp. 225-8]
Echoes 295

The moment we evolve a thought and thus a cause, it must go on producing its effects, all becoming in turn causes for other effects and sweeping down the great evolutionary current in order to rise again. To suppose we can stop this ebb and flow is chimerical in the extreme. Hence the great sages have always said we have to let the Karmic effects roll on while we set new and better causes in motion, and that even the perfect sage has to endure in his bodily frame that which belongs to it through Karma. Replanting Diseases for Future Use [The Path, Vol. VII, October, 1892, pp. 225-8] Echoes 295

Set it down very carefully in the mind, then, that thoughts and ideas make shapes of their own which have the power under certain conditions of affecting our senses in such a way as to seem objective to our waking cognition. Spiritualism [The Path, Vol. VIII, April 1893, pp. 13-21.] Echoes 351-52

Our every thought stirs up and uses these elementals, and the motion of the wind, the rays of the sun, and the fluids of the body, with the motions of the organs, all do the same thing. Spiritualism [The Path, Vol. VIII, April 1893, pp. 13-21.] Echoes 352-53

One theory for use in explaining and prosecuting hypnotic research is about as follows. Man is a soul who lives on thoughts and perceives only thoughts. Every object or subject comes to him as a thought, no matter what the channel or instrument, whether organ of sense or mental center, by which it comes before him. These thoughts may be words, ideas, or pictures. The soul-man has to have an intermediary or connecting link with Nature through and by which he may cognize and experience. This link is an ethereal double or counterpart of his physical body, dwelling in the latter; and the physical body is Nature so far as the soul-man is concerned. In this ethereal double (called astral body) are the sense-organs and centers of perception, the physical outer organs being only the external channels or means for concentrating the physical vibrations so as to transmit them to the astral organs and centers where the soul perceives then as ideas or thoughts. This inner ethereal man is made of the ether which science is now admitting as a necessary part of Nature, but while it is etheric it is none the less substantial. Hypnotism [The Path, Vol. VIII, February 1894, pp. 335-9] Echoes 415

But how is it that the subject can see on a blank card the picture of an object which you have merely willed to be on it? This is because every thought of any one makes a picture; and a thought of a definite image make a definite form in the astral light in which the astral body exists and functions, interpenetrating also every part of the physical body. Having thus imaged the picture on the card, it remains in the astral light or sphere surrounding the card, and is there objective to the astral senses of the hypnotized subject. Hypnotism [The Path, Vol. VIII, February 1894, pp. 335-9] Echoes 416

“Brethren, be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that also shall he reap.” This is Karma of the Brahman and Buddhist, which teaches that each life is the outcome of a former life or lives, and that every man in his rebirths will have to account for every thought and receive measure for the measure given by him before. Points of Agreement in All Religions* [The Path, Vol. IX, July 1894, pp. 105-11] Echoes 441

Reflect on the fact that some of the very best people on earth were meat-eaters, and that wicked or gross thoughts are more hurtful than the eating of a ton of flesh. Theosophical Don’ts[The Path, Vol. IX, December 1894, pp. 276-7] Echoes 468

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