Quite a few theosophists have contributed to the modern resurgence of astrology, such as Sepharial, Alan Leo, Marc Edmund Jones and Dane Rudhyar. Blavatsky made some significant efforts to rehabilitate astrology as well, both eastern and western. She might not have been favorable to the more commercial ‘career, money, romance’ aspect of contemporary popular astrology, as she stressed the spiritual and philosophical aspects, which should ideally be pursued in the pure spirit of the discipline of initiation that this sacred science originally pertained to.
“If all that is said in the article be true,
it only confirms what has been stated often in these columns, that although the
science of astrology is based upon mathematical calculations, it is impossible
that the precise results of each of the innumerable combinations which may
occur could be calculated and written down by any mortal man, and that,
therefore, in order that his astrological predictions may be correct, the
astrologer must be versed not only in the science of astrology, but also in its
art, that is to say, by purity of life, thought and deed he must develop his
clairvoyant perceptions so far as to be able to take note of the minutest
combinations possible in every individual case, and the effects they produce on
one another.” [The Theosophist, Vol. VI, No. 6(66), March, 1885, p. 131]
“In short, true
Astrology is a mathematical science, which teaches us what particular causes
will produce what particular combinations, and thus, understood in its real
significance, gives us the means of obtaining the knowledge how to guide our
future births. True, such astrologers there are but few: but are we justified
in condemning the science of electricity because there may be very few real
electricians? We must not at the same time lose sight of the fact that although
there are numberless combinations that must be determined by the psychic vision
of the astrologer, there are yet a very large number of them that have been
determined and put on record by the ancient sages. It is these cases which
baffle us when we find that some astrological calculations prove correct while
others are quite beside the mark.” [The Theosophist, Vol. V, #9, June,
“Most certainly chance is ‘impossible’. There is no ‘chance’ in Nature, wherein everything is mathematically co-ordinate and mutually related in its units. “Chance,” says Coleridge, “is but the pseudonym of God (or Nature), for those particular cases which He does not choose to subscribe openly with His sign manual.” Replace the word “God” by that of Karma and it will become an Eastern axiom. Therefore, the sidereal “prophecies” of the zodiac, as they are called by Christian mystics, never point to any one particular event, however solemn and sacred it may be for some one portion of humanity, but to ever-recurrent, periodical laws in nature, understood but by the Initiates of the sidereal gods themselves.” [Blavatsky Collected Writings, Volume 14 Page 344]
“Most certainly chance is ‘impossible’. There is no ‘chance’ in Nature, wherein everything is mathematically co-ordinate and mutually related in its units. “Chance,” says Coleridge, “is but the pseudonym of God (or Nature), for those particular cases which He does not choose to subscribe openly with His sign manual.” Replace the word “God” by that of Karma and it will become an Eastern axiom. Therefore, the sidereal “prophecies” of the zodiac, as they are called by Christian mystics, never point to any one particular event, however solemn and sacred it may be for some one portion of humanity, but to ever-recurrent, periodical laws in nature, understood but by the Initiates of the sidereal gods themselves.” [Blavatsky Collected Writings, Volume 14 Page 344]
also, the entries ‘Astrology’, ‘Astronomos’, and ‘Zodiac’ in the Theosophical
‘The Zodiac and its Antiquity’ in the Secret Doctrine:
T. Subba Row’s Twelve Signs of the Zodiac:
Henk Spierenburg’s Astrology of the Living Universe:
‘The Zodiac and its Antiquity’ in the Secret Doctrine:
T. Subba Row’s Twelve Signs of the Zodiac:
Henk Spierenburg’s Astrology of the Living Universe:
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