Sunday 22 September 2024

Astrology: Autumn Equinox, September 22, 2024- Part 2 - Chart

Closely following the full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17, we have an intense, high-energy fall equinox chart, that will take us through the final shift of Pluto from Capricorn to Aquarius and the two returning Jupiter-Saturn squares that could be quite turbulent as some easier planetary aspects fall into place in 2025.  
1-Pluto, Neptune, Uranus/Moon, Sun/Mercury kite
 A tight Sun opposite Neptune (Sept. 20) aspect brings escapism, dispersion and confusion, but it is framed by a strong kite formation, which brings very supportive tools to deal with it. Original, open, creative, spiritual impulses are accompanied with a tight Sun trine Pluto (Sept. 22) which helps with decisiveness and concentration.The Moon and Mercury give an added sense of cooperation, positive change and a harmony of feeling and intellect. Surprise new friendships can occur. This pattern can serve to give a strong personal preview of the Uranus, Neptune, Pluto 2025 to 2028 –  Magic Triangle (minor grand trine). According to Astrology King: 'This Magic Triangle should make us more open-minded, progressive, open to change and accepting of others. It will bring amazing discoveries, inventions and breakthroughs in science, technology, travel, communication and medicine.'
 2-Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury t-square 
This loose t-square gives the Jupiter square Saturn aspect a fairly close connection to the kite pattern.
With Jupiter forming a square to Saturn, circumstances present us with an opportunity for personal or professional growth, although the rewards may be delayed. We must restructure our lives or plans in accordance with rules, laws, limits, and the demands of reality. Ultimately, this process can lead to a stronger, more resilient version of ourselves or our projects. Mercury opposite Saturn (Sept. 18) brings pessimistic, uncommunicative tendencies. Mercury square Jupiter (Sept. 21) brings a tendency to overstate things. The Jupiter-Saturn square has two more upcoming exact stations: Dec 24 2024 and Jun 15 2025.
3- Venus square Pluto
Adding to the Sun opposite Neptune haze, this tight aspect (Sept. 22) makes passions run high, with feelings of jealousy and possessiveness. Manipulation and underhanded dealings can color relationships now, with power plays arising in relationships.
4-Mars trine Saturn
To the previously mentioned destabilizing elements, Mars trine Saturn brings a strong sense of determination and efficient action to further strengthen the strong focus of the positive kite aspects.
1-Pluto, Neptune, Uranus/Moon, Sun/Mercury kite
The tendency for escapism, dispersion, confusion with problems of misinformation is accompanied by strong opportunities to resolve such problems with clear thinking and original, creative solutions.
 2-Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury t-square 
The general flow of one's projects can receive some personal reality checks and setbacks, which can be discouraging.
3- Venus square Pluto
Further destabilization could occur with emotional drama and relationship intrigues.
4-Mars trine Saturn
One can also find a strong source of resilience and determination to resolve problems efficiently.
We could be in for an intense fall season, marked by a month-long volatile Mars-Pluto opposition. There are some intense aspects that can bring destabilizing and escapist tendencies, with some accompanying drama and relational power games. But the strong accompanying tools of clear thinking, strong focus, determined perseverance along with a good sense of cooperation, transformation and creativity makes this an ideal opportunity to clear away problems of confusion, ambiguity, and delusions that are impediments to the progress of one's projects.
Upcoming aspects
Oct 02 – Solar Eclipse at in Libra
Oct 26 –  Neptune sextile Pluto out of orb

Nov 03 –  Mars (Cancer) opposition Pluto (Capricorn) *

Nov 16 – Uranus sextile Neptune out of orb
Nov 19 –  Pluto in Aquarius
Nov 25 –  Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius
Dec 15 –  Mercury direct
Dec 24 – Jupiter square Saturn 2 of 3

Thursday 19 September 2024

Astrology: Autumn Equinox, September 22, 2024- Part 1 - Review

The Summer forecast was:

It is a good time for socializing and building new relationships. A motivation for idealistic, transformative social projects is favoured. This can bring an enthusiasm for dynamic, efficient, productive action, that can be misguided. A certain amount of friction and conflict can emerge along the way
As an example that seems to exemplify the forecast, in Montreal, a homeless shelter built beside an elementary school has caused many incidents and debates, becoming something of a symbol of the homeless crisis in the province of Quebec, Canada.
I was forecasting August to be a volatile month, however, July had some major events in the US. On July 13, Donald Trump was shot in the ear. On July 2o, Joe Biden stepped down from the election race, and endorsed Kamala Harris. On July 31, the US Gymnastic team Simone Biles, Suni Lee, Jordan Chiles, Jade Carey & Hezly Rivera completed their redemption journey with an Oympic team gold medal win (with the gravity defying power of Oz).
Unusually, I consider that an aspect such as Mars (Gemini) square Saturn (Pisces)(Aug 16) has a strong effect through a full 10-degree orb, therefore it is worth tracking for most of August. I noticed some strong Gemini (Air) and Pisces (water) influences with several major storms, floods and naval accidents. 
On August 15-16, there was a major pipe rupture in Montreal, a major Typhoon in Japan, Hurricane Ernesto caused devastation in Puerto Rico, major air quality advisories due to forest fires across Western Canada, heroic boat rescue in Washington, DC. There were several bridge incidents as well (Senneville, Montreal, Shaanxi, China , Thunder Bay, Halifax). On the Super Moon Blue Moon, August 19, there was the Mike Lynch-Stephen Chamberlain coincidental deaths-Palermo yacht incident.  On August 28, there was a major flood in Gujarat, India
These events occurred at around the same time as the first exact
Jupiter square Saturn (Aug 19). There will be two more exact stations, a process which will last about a year, it can be considered a period of reflection and adjustment that marks the completion of the first quarter of the Jupiter-Saturn cycle, lasting about 4 1/2 years.
On September 2, Pluto made its final ingress into Capricorn, before it moves to Aquarius on November 19. Hundreds of thousands of protesters took to Israel’s streets over the government’s failure to secure a ceasefire-for-hostages deal with Hamas.  Several #metoo related cases achieved verdicts, such as Peter Nygard on September 9, and Diddy on the eclipse of September 17, in Pisces (a water signs), as a major rain system, Storm Boris, causes at lest 21 fatalities across Europe.

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Astrology: Jupiter Square Saturn August 19 2024

Reaching the first square in the
Jupiter-Saturn cycle, there has been much upheaval in that period. At the same time, it is a period to lay down new foundations, build new structures, and embark on new enterprises.
As we enter the first of three  squares, a process which will last about a year, it can be considered a period of reflection and adjustment that marks the completion of the first quarter of the Jupiter-Saturn cycle, lasting about 4 1/2 years.
1- Enters Jul 23 2024 Is Exact Aug 19 2024  Leaves Sep 15 2024
2- Enters Nov 18 2024 Is Exact Dec 24 2024 Leaves Jan 23 2025
3- Enters May 5 2025 Is Exact Jun 15 2025 Leaves Jul 10 2025


According to Robert Hand, a Jupiter Square Saturn transit can bring:

'many adjustments in your life, separating yourself from persons or circumstances that are doing you no good. You will change many standards of behavior and morality that you realize are inappropriate and generally realign your conception of duty and responsibility more in accordance with reality. In the process you may experience a considerable amount of tension, and for a time you may be confused, not quite knowing whether to go backward or forward, to expand or cut back. (Planets in Transit, 295)

'With Jupiter forming a square to Saturn, circumstances present us with an opportunity for personal or professional growth, although the rewards may be delayed. We must restructure our lives or plans in accordance with rules, laws, limits, and the demands of reality. Ultimately, this process can lead to a stronger, more resilient version of ourselves or our projects.

This can be a time of temporary fluctuating finances, increased personal commitments, sudden obstacles to our goals, energy dips, or ups and downs with our faith/outlook. We might ask ourselves, “Why am I doing this?” What for?” or “What’s the point?” more frequently. There can be a sense that we’re not in the right place at the right time during this phase.

During this period, it is crucial to breathe new life into old plans rather than strike out with a new plan altogether. We may need to make sacrifices in one area of our lives to grow in another. It’s important not to overextend ourselves now and to avoid attempting easy fixes or shortcuts. The need to adjust our expectations is a natural part of the process, and with patience and perseverance, we can confidently navigate current obstacles and challenges.'

'Jupiter square Saturn transit creates inner tension as you face a lack of opportunities, criticism or limiting circumstances. Your judgment may be impaired, you may experience a lack of initiative or become a slave to routine. Structures or long-held beliefs may break down, leaving you uncertain and unsure about your future. Any area of your life that has gotten out of control or is creating this tension will be subject to the strong hand of Saturn.

You could experience financial hardship, so you must limit spending on luxury items or entertainment. A relationship on rocky grounds may lead to a separation or significant shakeup. Events may force you to reassess previously held strong beliefs. Destructive behavior patterns such as addiction may end during this period.

To use addiction to drugs, gambling, or porn as an example, the withdrawal phase indicated by this transit may be painful and require you to withdraw from society. It will be a struggle and leave a vacuum in your life. Once through this stage, there will be many opportunities to fill the void with activities that allow you to express your creative side and bring greater satisfaction to life.

The above example can apply to any difficulties you experience. As a long-term problem reaches a crisis point, there will be initial frustration and uncertainty. The next stage is a struggle where hard work and patience are required. The third stage is where all the hard work and determination pay off. Increased wealth, travel, and further education are all possibilities.
As you come through this challenging transit, you may take on a more responsible position or outlook, but at the same time, achieve inner contentment and happiness as positive change and personal growth are achieved. There will be recognition and even professional advancement in the long run.'

Sunday 18 August 2024

Astrology: Jupiter Square Saturn August 19 - 5-year review 2020-2024 Jupiter-Saturn Cycle 1st quarter

5-year review 2020-2024 Jupiter-Saturn Cycle 1st quarter
It's been over 3 1/2 years since the start of the new Jupiter-Saturn cycle. After the initial five-year phase of the Jupiter-Saturn cycle, marked by the first Jupiter square Saturn on August 19, (which can be viewed as a transition phase, where the previous cycle's accounts get squared, and the main challenges for the new cycle emerge) we will be entering  the more optimistic, productive period of the initial ten-year Jovian phase, to be followed by a more Saturnine phase. Pluto is still on a volatile Capricorn/Aquarius cusp for 2024, but the Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune minor grand trine is in place, so we've almost reached a new, positive sky formation, a distinctive change from the last 10 years.
Moreover, this new Jupiter-Saturn cycle marks a definitive shift from earth signs to air signs, which will last until 2159. The previous Jupiter-Saturn cycles were in earth signs since 1802. One can interpret this as the age of oil and carbon fuels, whereas the next cycle in air signs can mark a new era of alternate energies, along with satellite and computer technologies that have developed over the last 40 years. In the following years, four outer planets will be changing signs over a four-year period, 2023-2026, and so by 2026, we should be witnessing an interesting paradigm shift. 

With an eclipse on December 14th, Saturn entering Aquarius on the 17th, Jupiter entering Aquarius on the 19th, we arrive at the Winter Solstice,  which coincides with the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn: a remarkable confluence of events to conclude a remarkable year.

2020 saw the start of three major cycles with Saturn-Pluto (January 12, It was at this time also that a worldwide coronavirus pandemic began to manifest itself, escalating over the next couple of months), Jupiter-Pluto, and the Jupiter-Saturn shift into 200 years of air transits. 


After the major social upheavals that the Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto conjunctions of 2020 brought with the Covid-19  epidemic, this intensity spilled over into the first quarter of 2021, marked in the United States on January 6th with violent public demonstrations at the senate buildings in the nation’s capital and in Myanmar where the army overturned the government, resulting in major public protests. One of the year's major aspects, Jupiter square Uranus, went exact not long after, on January 17.

One facet of this aspect can be seen in the rise of tensions with autocratic governments, according to Kenneth Roth:

The conventional wisdom these days is that autocracy is ascendent, democracy on the decline. That view gains currency from the intensifying crackdown on opposition voices in China, Russia, Belarus, Myanmar, Turkey, Thailand, Egypt, Uganda, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. It finds support in military takeovers in Myanmar, Sudan, Mali, and Guinea, and undemocratic transfers of power in Tunisia and Chad. And it gains sustenance from the emergence of leaders with autocratic tendencies in once- or still-established democracies such as Hungary, Poland, Brazil, El Salvador, India, the Philippines, and, until a year ago, the United States. (Can Democrats Rise to the Occasion? Human Rights Watch World Report 2022)

2nd exact Saturn-Uranus square, June 14, 2021; Jun 9-15 period included:
More than 350,000 people in Ethiopia experiencing dire hunger, with millions more facing "high levels of acute food insecurity," Naftali Bennett was sworn in as Israel's new prime minister, ending former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's 12 years in office.

Around the Summer Solstice, also in the United States, ten mass shootings happened across the nation leaving at least seven people dead and more than 40 injured. It was the latest in a streak of violent weekends in America. The weekend before this, there were also 10 mass shootings that left 12 people dead across seven states.  On June 25 A Minnesota judge sentenced Derek Chauvin to 22 1/2 years in prison for the murder of George Floyd.

Another interesting event that illustrates this tension and also coincides closely with the 20-year Jupiter-Saturn cycle has been the end of United States military occupation of Afghanistan with the ensuing return of Taliban rule around August 14. The September 11, 2000 destruction of the World Trade Center occurred six months after an exact Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, the latest Taliban takeover, eight months after the most recent conjunction.


With Saturn-Uranus square (December 24, 2021) difficulties  arrived, with a highly contagious Omicron Covid wave beginning during the holiday season, and with mounting frustrations, a remarkable Canadian trucker vaccine mandate protest occurring by the end of January.

Jupiter sextile Uranus, February 17, 2022 and

the US Pluto return on February 20, coincided quite closely with the Russian invasion, see my analysis of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

The two powerful stellia in the Spring Equinox chart indicate a strong humanistic, compassionate, social, global solidarity against the invasion. This moment coincided with a record United Nations vote supporting a resolution against Russian aggression in Ukraine and also a strong vote to end plastic pollution.

As an example of the positive Piscean (Mars, Venus, Saturn in Aquarius) and Aquarian (Jupiter, Neptune in Pisces) energies, on April 2nd, Pope Francis gave an apology to Canadian Indigenous people for the Catholic Churche’s role in the forced assimilation and abuse of the residential school program 

Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, April 12 Jupiter sextile Pluto, May 3rd

The Summer quarter had two very volatile aspects, with Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn  going exact on July 1st and Mars square Saturn, exact on August 7. Below are some events occurring around the time of the Mars-Pluto square:

- UK prime Minister Boris Johnson resigns
- Japan's former PM Shinzo Abe 'has died' after being shot twice by navy veteran during campaign speech. 
- G7 summit in Elmau, Germany: The G7 leaders want to fight the climate crisis, hunger and war. 
- a fundamental shift in NATO’s deterrence and defence, with strengthened forward defences
- Ecuador’s government restart talks with Indigenous leaders spearheading protests against the soaring cost of living
- Thousands return to Sudan streets demanding end of military rule
- Libya protesters were demonstrating against deteriorating living conditions and political deadlock
- North Macedonia: 47 police officers injured in protests against deteriorating living conditions

Amid that rather tumultuous period, the UNGA adopted the resolution on 28 July 2022, recognizing the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment as a human right.

On the  Oct 25 Solar Eclipse and also the November 7 Lunar Eclipse, some unexplained incidents occurred, such as a bridge in Crimea being sabotaged, and in Russia, Darya Dugina, daughter of Russian traditionalist, Aleksandr Dugin, was assassinated. 


Although not as numerous and dramatic as the previous semester, there were still a few significant protests, notably in Peru (over deposition of former president Castillo), Israel (over 80,000 Israelis protest against Supreme Court reform), Brazil (Bolsonaro supporters), France (retirement age pension eligibility), and Greece (major train derailment). In Canada, the results of an inquiry into the Ottawa trucker convoy occupation revealed a comedy of errors.

A rare 50, 000 year-cycle comet appeared in the skies and a major earthquake rocked Turkey and Syria. As Saturn entered Pisces on March 7, 200 countries agreed to a legally-binding treaty, the UN High Seas Treaty, to protect marine life in international waters, which cover around half of the planet’s surface, have long been essentially lawless. 

Near the Spring equinox, March 21, Russia and China had an important meeting, Xi,Putin reaffirm partnership in 2nd day of talks. and there was an earthquake in Pakistan and Afghanistan.  For March 24, Pluto entered Aquarius, there were major tornadoes in midwestern, southern U.S, and ex-US president Donald Trump was arrested.

June 11 Pluto Retrograde re-enters Capricorn We've seen an escalation in the Russia-Ukraine war and an indictment of an ex-US president. Some spectacular water disasters, a Greek migrant boat sinking with 700 casualties on June 14, and a Sub-Marine exploring the Titanic wreckage had an accident causing five fatalities, June 18 

June 19  Jupiter in Taurus sextiles Saturn in Pisces -Nato works on first defense plans since Cold War Another Saturn in Pisces related-theme of water regulation awareness occurred on July 11 when a growing list of countries have also called for a halt to deep-sea mining, at a key moment for the fledgling industry as the International Seabed Authority (ISA) meets to determine rules for mining

On July 17,  Russia suspended its participation in a crucial deal that allowed the export of Ukrainian grain, once again raising fears over global food supplies and scuppering a rare diplomatic breakthrough to emerge from Moscow’s war in Ukraine. Record Forest Fire outbreaks in Canada were announced, July 24. There was a military coup in Niger on July 25.

October 8 Mars square Pluto Oct 14  New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra

Although the Hamas attack occurred a day before an exact Mars square Pluto on October 8, a volatile aspect where pretty much anything can happen, and so the Israel-Palestine war begins.

Also in this amazing two-week period, elections in Poland, Switzerland and New Zealand brought in right-wing governments, with a left-wing candidate coming in in Argentina. The COP 28 meeting was marked by controversy and confusion as, although a last-minute breakthrough agreement was achieved, with "nearly every country in the world has agreed to “transition away from fossil fuels” – the main driver of climate change.'

December 13 as Mercury goes retrograge, coincidentally, at the same time, US Congress voted to launch an impeachment inquiry against the president. 


The new year witnessed a massive earthquake in Japan,  along Japan’s western coast of a 7.5 magnitude.

Pluto returned to Aquarius on January 21st, and there was a major earthquake in China, snowstorms in the US, and a new temple for Ram in India was inaugurated. A difficult Mars square Uranus aspect occurred on March 9 and Haiti’s PM Ariel Henry tenders resignation as country descends into gang-faction chaos, Sudan is being reprimanded for blocking Humanitarian Aid amidst a hunger crisis, with Sweden officially becoming a member of Nato.

Perhaps to underscore this big shift, the eclipse season , March 25-April 8, was quite powerful. On April 3 Taiwan Earthquake. The quake was the strongest to hit Taiwan since a magnitude 7.7 earthquake in 1999 that killed 2,400 people. April 4  Earthquake in New York The U.S. Geological Survey said over 42 million people might have felt the midmorning quake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.8, centered near Whitehouse Station, New Jersey, or about 45 miles (72 kilometers) west of New York City and 50 miles (80 kilometers) north of Philadelphia. Apr 8Solar Eclipse in Aries- Total Solar New Moon Eclipse in Aries Mon April 8 2024 'Great American' Leslie Hale Apr 05, 2024. '2017 was the year US became ‘divided’ politically and  it was a period of drastic change & beginning of 7 years of political upheaval in US that continues today

Apr 20Jupiter conjunct Uranus

May 10- Powerful Solar Storm, a rare G5 geomagnetic storm not seen since Halloween 2003 is supercharging the northern lights around the world.

May 23 Jupiter sextile Neptune - On May 20, the chief prosecutor of the InternationalCriminal Court sought arrest warrants for leaders of Israel and Hamas, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, over actions taken during their seven-month war . On May 24 The International Court of Justice (ICJ)  issued new provisional measures that order Israel to immediately end military operations in Rafah in southern Gaza and to open the governate’s border crossing for urgent aid deliveries. 

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Introduction to the Voice of the Silence H. P. Blavatsky 4/4

Since the first section titled 'The Voice of the Silence', which gives its name to the whole work in three sections is probably the most mystical and complex of the three, and is presented in a way that seems to be a culmination of the other two sections, I have presented it last.
'Earlier attempts at uncovering the primordial linguistic revelation in Hinduism took place within the Theosophical Society, founded in 1875 by Madame Blavatsky. In her book, The Voice of the Silence (1889) Nada had been eulogized as the ''soundless sound,'' the ''voice of the spiritual sound.'' Specific passages on Nada and OM from this work then made their way into William James's The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902) giving them a kind of legitimacy in Western psychological and religious discourse.' (Guy L. Beck. Sonic Theology: Hinduism and Sacred Sound. University of South Carolina Press. 1993)
For more on the subject, see 
Theosophical Basics: Sacred Sound and Mantra
Part 1
Section 1 – (stanzas 1-13). presents a kind of overview of the path of silent liberation, ending in hearing the voice of the nada, the soundless sound and the requirements thereof-  very much the standard practices of Advaita Vedanta – it requires the practice of concentration, controlling the senses through detachment, pacifying the mind, overcoming the delusion caused by identifying with the material world, achieving inner harmony, complete equanimity, intimate identification with the higher self, thus attaining to deep wellsprings of soul memory and use of the inner, spiritual senses.

Section 2 (stanzas 14-21). This section, quite diverse, had some reflections regarding the astral plane, the importance of selflessness: and a mystical imperative regarding the Kalahamsa.

Section 3 (Stanzas 22-40). The three halls, the hall of ignorance (physical plane), the hall of learning (astral plane), and the hall of wisdom (spiritual plane) and their relation to the four avasthas and the seven lokas. We learn that: ‘’The WISE ONES tarry not in pleasure-grounds of senses.  The WISE ONES heed not the sweet-tongued voices of illusion’’.  The hall of learning is full of delusional dangers, so one should seek one’s teacher in the hall of wisdom. The temptations of Mara are great and one needs to guard against the illusion of separateness. Finally, a type of Kundalini Yoga practice is presented, leading to the possibility of astral projection.

Section 4 (Stanzas 41-50)_is concerned with the seven mystic sounds, linked to the Nadabindu Upanishad and also the Hamsa Upanishad and Hatha Yoga texts. The 7-step ladder of mystics sounds of the inner God:

1- Nightingale song; 
3- Sea Shell; 
4- Vina (lute); 
5- Flute; 
6-Trumpet blast/thunder; 
7- Silence

Based on the other yoga texts and stanza 50, I think it is plausible to assume that the 7 mystical sounds are related to the Chakras and Kundalini and 7 states of consciousness (and the 7 principles)  accompanied by related Siddhis.

Section 5 (stanzas 51-65) deals with the heady business of the Higher Self conquering the lower self, which in Christian mysticism is called the path of purification. Ere thy Soul’s mind can understand, the bud of personality must be crushed out, the worm of sense destroyed past resurrection. (57) There was also a brief but eloquent call to compassion. But let each burning human tear drop on thy heart and there remain, nor ever brush it off, until the pain that caused it is removed.  (61)

Section 6 (stanzas 66-78) deals with gates and ladders, a kind of prelude to a description of the seven stages, which seems similar to the eightfold yoga path.

Section 7 (stanzas 79-92) A kind of sevenfold Raja Yoga system is outlined, similar to the Eightfold yoga system, beginning with the Pratyahara stage, where a process of merging the five inner senses is explained. The next three stages correspond to the to three Sanyama practices. Upon achieving accomplishment in Samadhi, one becomes ’the doer and the witness, the radiator and the radiation, Light in the Sound, and the Sound in the Light’’.

Section 8 (stanzas 93-100), the final one, deals with the Four Noble Truths and the Five Hindrances.


Wednesday 19 June 2024

Astrology: Summer Solstice, June 20, 2024- Part 2 - Chart

Trial and Error

Idealistic, transformative Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto minor grand trine

A day before the full moon, we still have a Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto minor grand trine, with Jupiter trine Pluto (power to positively transform your own life, your environment, and other people’s lives), Jupiter sextile Neptune (compassionate, spiritual, kind, and concerned outlook, belief system, or perspective) and Neptune sextile Pluto ( pioneering spirit, unafraid to challenge the status quo).
This  prefigures a very positive Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto minor grand trine, which is coming into place next year. But beginning in August, the rest of the year will be more difficult, culminating in an intense mutable Grand Cross at the Winter Solstice. Pluto is still on a volatile Capricorn/Aquarius cusp for 2024, but we've almost reached a major new, positive sky formation, a distinctive change from the last ten years, which was marked by Uranus square Pluto.

Two tight aspects bring conflicting energies

Mercury sextile Mars  Mental alertness, enthusiasm, and energetic communications figure now. You are productive and take “busy-ness” in stride. You are alert and aware, and can easily turn ideas into workable projects. 

Sun (Mercury, Venus) square Neptune  It can be difficult knowing where or how to direct your willpower under this influence. It’s also a challenge knowing where you stand with others. 

Strong sociable, communicative Sun, Mercury, Venus conjuction in Cancer

Venus conjunct Mercury Lighthearted conversations, sociability, humor, and cooperation are hallmarks of this transit. Mentally, you may not be as disciplined as usual.

Sun conjunct Venus Smooth negotiations with others, graciousness, diplomacy, and charm are with you, although there could also be a tendency to gloss over the less-than-pleasant stuff.

Sun conjunct Mercury You are especially sharp, communicative, and open at this time, as your wants are aligned with your thoughts.  You tend to say what you think now. As well, others could find you self-absorbed for the time being

Some difficult aspects can bring conflict

Moon square Saturn. Some feelings of being blocked are possible now urging you to slow down. There may be problems with older people or authority figures. Domestic affairs may be a little messy. 

Moon opposite Jupiter You’re given to excesses just now, and it can be hard to think of the consequences of overdoing things when you’re in such an elevated mood.

Mars square Pluto You are especially sensitive to anything that reminds you that you are not in control now. A tendency to bully and confront may dominate. Efforts to make changes could be thwarted, or power struggles emerge. It would be wise to observe whatever powerful feelings that confrontations or conflicts arouse under this influence, as this transit has a way of pulling out suppressed matter, or emotional “slush”. Passions run high. 


We have a major idealistic, transformative  (Jupiter in Gemini), Neptune, Pluto minor grand trine which is beginning to open new perspectives. There is a strong sociable, communicative Sun, Mercury, Venus conjuction in Cancer. Mercury sextile Mars and Sun (Mercury, Venus) square Neptune, would signal a tendency for efficient, focused actions, albeit with misguided directions (which is sort of the story of the modern world in many ways). Moon square Saturn, Moon opposite Jupiter, and a fading Mars square Pluto can a bring certain amount of friction and conflict (notably with Mars square Saturn and Mercury retrograde during most of August).

After the initial five-year phase of the Jupiter-Saturn cycle, marked by the first Jupiter square Saturn on August 1, we've now entered on the more optimistic, productive period of the initial ten-year Jovian phase, to be followed by a more Saturnine phase. After ten years of blogging about deconstructing cycles, it is now a time for embarking on new major life projects, putting into place new plans, and new structures of a long-term nature.
It is a good time for socializing and building new relationships. A motivation for idealistic, transformative social projects is favoured. This can bring an enthusiasm for dynamic, efficient, productive action, that can be misguided. A certain amount of friction and conflict can emerge along the way

Summer Aspects
Aug 05 –  Mercury Retrograde: in Virgo
Aug 16 –  Mars (Gemini) square Saturn (Pisces) *
Aug 19 – Jupiter square Saturn 1 of 3
Aug 24 –  Uranus sextile Neptune, in orb not exact until 2025
Aug 28 –  Mercury direct
Sept 02 –  Pluto in Capricorn
Sept 17 – Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
Oct 02 – Solar Eclipse at in Libra